Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Movie Media Track Usage

Because SMIL can refer to content indirectly and because access to media is avoided until as late as possible before displaying it -- in order to preserve meaningful hit counts -- the specific types of content a SMIL document references may not be known at import time.

To handle this situation, QuickTime creates a generalized type of track that can play any type of content that QuickTime can import into a movie. Using this new type of track -- called a movie track -- the SMIL importer doesn't have to "know" the type of the content a SMIL document references. It simply creates a movie track for each piece of content, and the movie track makes use of QuickTime's extensive import facilities at the time the content is played. This new type of track is implemented by the Movie Media Handler.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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