Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Using the Streaming Media Handler

When a movie is playing, the Movie Media Handler tries to instantiate each media element at least 15 seconds before it is actually needed. This is done to allow for any prebuffering that might need to occur to be done by the time the media element is scheduled to play.

In the case of a streaming movie, this allows the streaming media handler to connect to the server and begin buffering media data. In the case of local content, this ensures that the media is available to begin playing immediately instead of after an initial pause. In the case of HTTP/ftp content, this allows prefetch to occur (as with streaming, subject to any bandwidth management constraints).

The QuickTime 4.1 implementation forwards status messages when the movie is stopped, but not when it is playing.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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