Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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SMIL Support

SMIL is a simple, text-based language that allows content creators and providers to mix and synchronize multimedia elements. This capability, now supported in QuickTime 4.1, enables content authors and developers to incorporate, for example, advertising clips into stored and live streams of QuickTime movies.

SMIL, derived from XML, describes the temporal and spatial layouts of media clips within media presentations. It also allows the optional specification of hyperlinks for each clip. Because SMIL elegantly describes simple sequences and because it uses a familiar HTML-like syntax for specifying hyperlinks, it is ideal for the purpose of advertising insertion.

Note:   The complete SMIL specification is available at

QuickTime 4. 1 provides SMIL support for

SMIL Usage

A Simple Sequence

A Sequence with HREF, Region and Background Text

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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