Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Additional Notes

The following are additional notes on the handling of HTML source:

If QuickTime's HTML importer fails to find playable media within an <a> element or an <embed> element, it will import media from the first <img> element that it finds in the HTML source.

Once the HTML importer finds a reference to media that QuickTime can play, it ignores all of the rest of the HTML source.

If the HTML importer can't find any media to play within an <a>, <embed>, or <img> element, it will return an error.

The HTML importer ignores all HTML source that falls between <script> and </script> elements.

Relative URLs are supported for both the "src" and "href" attributes. They are interpreted as relative to the URL of the HTML source.

Normally, a media author will signal QuickTime to import an HTML document by providing a SMIL document that refers to it and overrides its MIME type, as in the following SMIL example:

                <region id="aregion" height="320" width="240" />

        <a href="" show="new" 
        <video src="" 
        type="text/x-html-insertion" region="aregion" /></a>

         <video src="rtsp://" region="aregion" />


In the SMIL example above, the HTML document "insertion.html" is explicitly given the MIME type "text/x-html-insertion". This signals QuickTime to use its HTML importer to scan the html source for a playable media element. If one is found, QuickTime will play it and then play "".

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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