Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Wired Actions and JavaScript

kActionDoScript (long flags, CStr commands, CStr arguments)

This new wired action has no target (system target).

The action calls the root movie controller's mcActionDoScript, so that scripts can be invoked by a host application. For example, the QuickTime Plug-in in a browser can invoke JavaScripts.

If the script flags are set to kScriptIsUnknownType or kScriptIsJavaScript, the QuickTime Plug-in invokes a JavaScript routine in the HTML file that has embedded the QuickTime movie, with the following prototype:

function DoFSCommand(command, arguments) { }

If the movie is embedded with a NAME tag, a movieName tag, or is named by user data, then this prototype is used instead:

function movieName_DoFSCommand(command, arguments) { }

This allows for wired movies to invoke a JavaScript. The QuickTime Plug-in now also supports many movie-related JavaScript routines, so it is possible to set sprite track variables and post custom wired events to a wired movie from JavaScript as well. It is important to note that this functionality works only with the QuickTime Plug-in and that some versions of some browsers do not support the necessary interfaces to allow for these things to work. See the section "JavaScript Support" in this document for more details.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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