Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Movie Commands

void Play()

The play command plays the movie at the default rate from the point (time) at which it receives the command.

void Stop()

This command stops the movie at the point in time at which the command is received.

void Rewind()

The rewind command sets the current time to the movie's start time and pauses the movie.

void Step(int count)

This command steps the movie forward or backward the specified number of frames from the point at which the command is received. If the movie's rate is non-zero, it is paused.

void ShowDefaultView()

This command displays a QuickTime VR movie's default node, using the default pan angle, tilt angle, and field of view as set by the movie's author.

void GoPreviousNode()

This command returns to the previous node in a QuickTime VR movie (equivalent to clicking the Back button on the VR movie controller).

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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