Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Namespace Specification

These extensions to SMIL are described in a separate namespace from SMIL and must be referenced explicitly by any SMIL document that wants to take advantage of them. The namespace URL is <>. The syntax for referencing the namespace is:

xmlns:nsprefix=" "

which must be used as an attribute to any SMIL element. Nsprefix (the selected namespace prefix) may be any character string which conforms to the requirements for an XML name. Once the namespace has been referenced by a SMIL element, that element itself or any elements within it may legally use the names defined in the namespace, and the usage is as follows:


In general, it is simplest to place the xmlns reference as the first attribute in the root <smil> element. It is also suggested, as a convention, that the namespace prefix for the QuickTime SMIL Extensions be `qt', though this isn't required for correct operation; all subsequent examples in this section assume this is so.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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