QuickTime Developer Documents in PDF

The main QuickTime documentation page lists all available QuickTime documentation, organized by topic. In most cases, the title of a document is linked both to an HTML version and a PDF version.

In addition, most HTML documents on this website have a PDF link in the upper-left corner of the Table of Contents. To view or download a PDF version of the document you are reading online, click the PDF link. (If no Table of Contents is visible, look for a "Show TOC" link at the bottom of the document page.)

If you wish to override your browser's default handling of PDF, control-click the PDF link (right click in Windows) and choose your preferred action from the contextual menu.

If the document TOC does not contain a "PDF" link in the upper left corner, and the document title appears in the list with an HTML link but no PDF link, a PDF version of that document is not available.

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