
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   X   

AbortPrePrerollMovie function 1
AddCallBackToTimeBase function 1
AddClonedTrackToMovie function 1
AddClonedTrackToMovie Values 1
AddEmptyTrackToMovie function 1
AddFilePreview function 1
AddImageDescriptionExtension function 1
addMax constant 1
AddMediaDataRef function 1
AddMediaSample function 1
AddMediaSample2 function 1
AddMediaSampleFromEncodedFrame function 1
AddMediaSampleReference function 1
AddMediaSampleReferences function 1
AddMediaSampleReferences64 function 1
AddMovieExecuteWiredActionsProc function 1
AddMovieResource function 1
AddMovieSelection function 1
AddMovieToStorage function 1
addOver constant 1
addPin constant 1
AddSampleTableToMedia function 1
AddSoundDescriptionExtension function 1
AddTime function 1
AddTrackReference function 1
AddUserData function 1
AddUserDataText function 1
adMax constant 1
adMin constant 1
AlignScreenRect function 1
AlignWindow function 1
Arithmetic and Logical Operator IDs 1
Atom ID Codes 1
AtomicInstrument data type 1
AtomicInstrumentPtr data type 1
AttachMovieToCurrentThread function 1
AttachTimeBaseToCurrentThread function 1
AudioMediaCharacteristic constant 1
badCallOrderErr constant 1
badDepthErr constant 1
BeginFullScreen function 1
BeginMediaEdits function 1
blend constant 1
CallComponentExecuteWiredAction function 1
CallMeWhen function 1
CancelCallBack function 1
CanQuickTimeOpenDataRef function 1
CanQuickTimeOpenFile function 1
CanQuickTimeOpenFile Values 1
cantCreateSingleForkFile constant 1
CDSequenceBusy function 1
CDSequenceChangedSourceData function 1
CDSequenceDataSource structure 1
CDSequenceDataSourcePtr data type 1
CDSequenceDisposeDataSource function 1
CDSequenceDisposeMemory function 1
CDSequenceEnd function 1
CDSequenceEquivalentImageDescription function 1
CDSequenceEquivalentImageDescriptionS function 1
CDSequenceFlush function 1
CDSequenceGetDataSource function 1
CDSequenceInvalidate function 1
CDSequenceNewDataSource function 1
CDSequenceNewMemory function 1
CDSequenceSetSourceData function 1
CDSequenceSetSourceDataQueue function 1
CDSequenceSetTimeBase function 1
channelPlayAllData 1
CheckQuickTimeRegistration function 1
ChooseMovieClock function 1
ClearMovieChanged function 1
ClearMovieSelection function 1
ClearMoviesStickyError function 1
ClockCallMeWhen function 1
ClockCancelCallBack function 1
ClockDisposeCallBack function 1
ClockGetRate function 1
ClockGetRateChangeConstraints function 1
ClockGetTime function 1
ClockNewCallBack function 1
ClockRateChanged function 1
ClockSetTimeBase function 1
ClockStartStopChanged function 1
ClockTimeChanged function 1
CloseMovieFile function 1
CloseMovieStorage function 1
Codec Flags 1
Codec Identifiers 1
Codec Properties 1 2
Codec Type Constants 1
codecCompletionDecoded constant 1
codecCompletionDest constant 1
codecCompletionDropped constant 1
codecCompletionForceChainFlush constant 1
codecCompletionNotDisplayable constant 1
codecCompletionNotDrawn constant 1
codecCompletionSource constant 1
codecCompletionUnlockBits constant 1
codecCompletionWentOffscreen constant 1
CodecComponent data type 1
CodecCompressParams structure 1
codecConditionCatchUpDiff constant 1
codecConditionCodecChangedMask constant 1
codecConditionDoCursor constant 1
codecConditionFirstBand constant 1
codecConditionFirstFrame constant 1
codecConditionFirstScreen constant 1
codecConditionLastBand constant 1
codecConditionMaskMayBeChanged constant 1
codecConditionNewAccuracy constant 1
codecConditionNewClut constant 1
codecConditionNewDepth constant 1
codecConditionNewDestination constant 1
codecConditionNewMatte constant 1
codecConditionNewSrcRect constant 1
codecConditionNewTransferMode constant 1
codecConditionNewTransform constant 1
codecConditionToBuffer constant 1
CodecDecompressParams structure 1
CodecDecompressParams Values 1
codecDrawsHigherQualityScaled constant 1
codecFlagDiffFrame constant 1 2
codecFlagLiveGrab constant 1 2
codecFlagSupportDisable constant 1 2
codecFlagUpdatePrevious constant 1 2
codecFlagUpdatePreviousComp constant 1 2
codecFlagUsedImageBuffer constant 1
codecFlagWasCompressed constant 1 2
codecImageBufferIsInAGPMemory constant 1
codecImageBufferIsInPCIMemory constant 1 2
codecImageBufferIsOverlaySurface constant 1
codecImageBufferMemoryFlagsValid constant 1
CodecInfo Values 1
codecInfoDepth1 constant 1
codecInfoDepth16 constant 1
codecInfoDepth2 constant 1
codecInfoDepth24 constant 1
codecInfoDepth32 constant 1
codecInfoDepth33 constant 1
codecInfoDepth34 constant 1
codecInfoDepth36 constant 1
codecInfoDepth4 constant 1
codecInfoDepth40 constant 1
codecInfoDepth8 constant 1
codecInfoDoes1 constant 1
codecInfoDoes16 constant 1
codecInfoDoes2 constant 1
codecInfoDoes32 constant 1
codecInfoDoes4 constant 1
codecInfoDoes8 constant 1
codecInfoDoesBlend constant 1
codecInfoDoesDither constant 1
codecInfoDoesDouble constant 1
codecInfoDoesHalf constant 1
codecInfoDoesHorizFlip constant 1
codecInfoDoesLossless constant 1
codecInfoDoesMask constant 1
codecInfoDoesMultiPass constant 1
codecInfoDoesQuad constant 1
codecInfoDoesQuarter constant 1
codecInfoDoesRecompress constant 1
codecInfoDoesReorder constant 1
codecInfoDoesRotate constant 1
codecInfoDoesShrink constant 1
codecInfoDoesSpool constant 1
codecInfoDoesStretch constant 1
codecInfoDoesTemporal constant 1
codecInfoDoesVertFlip constant 1
codecInfoDoesWarp constant 1
codecInfoHasEffectParameterList constant 1
codecInfoResourceType constant 1 2
codecInfoStoresClut constant 1
codecInterfaceVersion constant 1 2
codecLosslessQuality constant 1
codecLowQuality constant 1
CodecManagerVersion function 1
codecMaxQuality constant 1
codecMinQuality constant 1
CodecNameSpecList structure 1
CodecNameSpecListPtr data type 1
codecNormalQuality constant 1
codecProgressOpen constant 1
codecProgressUpdatePercent constant 1
codecSrcMustBeImageBuffer constant 1
codecSuggestedBufferSentinel constant 1 2
codecSupportsOutOfOrderDisplayTimes constant 1 2
constant 1
codecUsesOverlaySurface constant 1
Color Constants 1
Color Modes 1 2
CompAdd function 1
CompCompare function 1
CompDiv function 1
CompFixMul function 1
CompMul function 1
CompMulDiv function 1
CompMulDivTrunc function 1
CompNeg function 1
Component Call Selectors 1
Component Identifiers 1
Component Property IDs and Flags 1
componentDllEntryNotFoundErr constant 1
componentDllLoadErr constant 1
ComponentMPWorkFunctionProc callback 1
ComponentMPWorkFunctionUPP data type 1
compositeIn 1
CompressImage function 1
CompressPicture function 1
CompressPictureFile function 1
CompressSequenceBegin function 1
CompressSequenceFrame function 1
CompShift function 1
CompSquareRoot function 1
CompSub function 1
ConcatMatrix function 1
ConstComponentListPtr data type 1
ConstFSSpecPtr data type 1
ConstStrFileNameParam data type 1
ControlPtr data type 1
ControlRef data type 1
ConvertDataRefToMovieDataRef function 1
ConvertFileToMovieFile function 1
ConvertImage function 1
ConvertMovieToDataRef function 1
ConvertMovieToFile function 1
ConvertTime function 1
ConvertTimeScale function 1
ConvertTimeToClockTime function 1
CopyMatrix function 1
CopyMediaMutableSampleTable function 1
CopyMediaUserData function 1
CopyMovieSelection function 1
CopyMovieSettings function 1
CopyMovieUserData function 1
CopyTrackSettings function 1
CopyTrackUserData function 1
CopyUserData function 1
CopyUserData Values 1
CountImageDescriptionExtensionType function 1
CountUserDataType function 1
CreateMovieControl function 1
CreateMovieControl Values 1
CreateMovieFile function 1
CreateMovieFile Values 1 2
createMovieFileDontOpenFile constant 1 2
CreateMovieStorage function 1
CreateShortcutMovieFile function 1
currentIn 1
CurveAddAtomToVectorStream function 1
CurveAddPathAtomToVectorStream function 1
CurveAddZeroAtomToVectorStream function 1
CurveCountPointsInPath function 1
CurveCreateVectorStream function 1
CurveGetAtomDataFromVectorStream function 1
CurveGetLength function 1
CurveGetNearestPathPoint function 1
CurveGetPathPoint function 1
CurveInsertPointIntoPath function 1
CurveLengthToPoint function 1
CurveNewPath function 1
CurvePathPointToLength function 1
CurveSetPathPoint function 1
CutMovieSelection function 1
Data Handler Flags 1
DataCodecBeginInterruptSafe function 1
DataCodecComponent data type 1
DataCodecCompress function 1
DataCodecCompressPartial function 1
DataCodecDecompress function 1
DataCodecDecompressPartial function 1
DataCodecEndInterruptSafe function 1
DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize function 1
DataHAddMovie function 1
DataHandlerComponent data type 1
DataHAppend64 function 1
DataHCanUseDataRef function 1
DataHCloseForRead function 1
DataHCloseForWrite function 1
DataHCompareDataRef function 1
DataHCompletionProc callback 1
DataHCompletionUPP data type 1
DataHCreateFile function 1
DataHCreateFileWithFlags function 1
DataHDeleteFile function 1
DataHDoesBuffer function 1
DataHFileTypeOrderingHandle data type 1
DataHFileTypeOrderingPtr data type 1
DataHFinishData function 1
DataHFlushCache function 1
DataHFlushData function 1
DataHGetAvailableFileSize function 1
DataHGetCacheSizeLimit function 1
DataHGetData function 1
DataHGetDataAvailability function 1
DataHGetDataInBuffer function 1
DataHGetDataRate function 1
DataHGetDataRef function 1
DataHGetDataRefAsType function 1
DataHGetDataRefExtension function 1
DataHGetDataRefWithAnchor function 1
DataHGetDeviceIndex function 1
DataHGetFileName function 1
DataHGetFileSize function 1
DataHGetFileSize64 function 1
DataHGetFileSizeAsync function 1
DataHGetFileTypeOrdering function 1
DataHGetFileTypeOrdering Values 1
DataHGetFreeSpace function 1
DataHGetFreeSpace64 function 1
DataHGetInfo function 1
DataHGetInfoFlags function 1
DataHGetInfoFlags Values 1
DataHGetMacOSFileType function 1
DataHGetMIMEType function 1
DataHGetMIMETypeAsync function 1
DataHGetMovie function 1
DataHGetMovieWithFlags function 1
DataHGetPreferredBlockSize function 1
DataHGetScheduleAheadTime function 1
DataHGetTemporaryDataRefCapabilities function 1
DataHGetVolumeList function 1
DataHIsStreamingDataHandler function 1
DataHOpenForRead function 1
DataHOpenForWrite function 1
DataHPlaybackHints function 1
DataHPlaybackHints64 function 1
DataHPollRead function 1
DataHPreextend function 1
DataHPreextend64 function 1
DataHPutData function 1
DataHReadAsync function 1
DataHRenameFile function 1
DataHResolveDataRef function 1
DataHScheduleData function 1
DataHScheduleData64 function 1
DataHSchedulePtr data type 1
DataHScheduleRecord structure 1
DataHScheduleRecord Values 1
DataHSetCacheSizeLimit function 1
DataHSetDataRef function 1
DataHSetDataRefExtension function 1
DataHSetDataRefWithAnchor function 1
DataHSetFileSize function 1
DataHSetFileSize64 function 1
DataHSetIdleManager function 1
DataHSetMacOSFileType function 1
DataHSetMovieUsageFlags function 1
DataHSetMovieUsageFlags Values 1
DataHSetTimeBase function 1
DataHSetTimeHints function 1
DataHTask function 1
DataHUpdateMovie function 1
DataHUseTemporaryDataRef function 1
DataHVolumeList data type 1
DataHVolumeListPtr data type 1
DataHWrite function 1
DataHWrite64 function 1
DataRateParams structure 1
DataRateParamsPtr data type 1
DecompressImage function 1
DecompressorComponent data type 1
DecompressSequenceBegin function 1
DecompressSequenceBeginS function 1
DecompressSequenceFrame function 1
DecompressSequenceFrameS function 1
DecompressSequenceFrameWhen function 1
DeleteMovieFile function 1
DeleteMovieSegment function 1
DeleteMovieStorage function 1
DeleteTrackReference function 1
DeleteTrackSegment function 1
DetachMovieFromCurrentThread function 1
DetachTimeBaseFromCurrentThread function 1
dfClipToTextBox constant 1
dfDontAutoScale constant 1
dfDontDisplay constant 1
dfHorizScroll constant 1
dfReverseScroll constant 1
dfScrollIn constant 1
dfScrollOut constant 1
dfShrinkTextBoxToFit constant 1
dfUseMovieBGColor constant 1
digiInDoesBW constant 1
digiInDoesColor constant 1
digiInDoesComponent constant 1
digiInDoesComposite constant 1
digiInDoesGenLock constant 1
digiInDoesNTSC constant 1
digiInDoesPAL constant 1
digiInDoesSECAM constant 1
digiInSignalLock constant 1
digiInVTR_Broadcast constant 1
digiOutDoes1 constant 1
digiOutDoes16 constant 1
digiOutDoes2 constant 1
digiOutDoes32 constant 1
digiOutDoes4 constant 1
digiOutDoes8 constant 1
digiOutDoesAsyncGrabs constant 1
digiOutDoesBlend constant 1
digiOutDoesCompress constant 1
digiOutDoesCompressOnly constant 1
digiOutDoesDither constant 1
digiOutDoesDouble constant 1
digiOutDoesHorizFlip constant 1
digiOutDoesHWPlayThru constant 1
digiOutDoesILUT constant 1
digiOutDoesKeyColor constant 1
digiOutDoesMask constant 1
digiOutDoesPlayThruDuringCompress constant 1
digiOutDoesQuad constant 1
digiOutDoesQuarter constant 1
digiOutDoesRotate constant 1
digiOutDoesShrink constant 1
digiOutDoesSixteenth constant 1
digiOutDoesSkew constant 1
digiOutDoesStretch constant 1
digiOutDoesUnreadableScreenBits constant 1
digiOutDoesVertFlip constant 1
digiOutDoesWarp constant 1
DigitizerInfo structure 1
digiUnimpErr constant 1
DisposeActionsUPP function 1
DisposeAllSprites function 1
DisposeCallBack function 1
DisposeCDataHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeCharDataHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeCodecNameList function 1
DisposeCommentHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeDataHCompletionUPP function 1
DisposeDoMCActionUPP function 1
DisposeEndDocumentHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeEndElementHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeGetMovieUPP function 1
DisposeICMAlignmentUPP function 1
DisposeICMCompletionUPP function 1
DisposeICMConvertDataFormatUPP function 1
DisposeICMCursorShieldedUPP function 1
DisposeICMDataUPP function 1
DisposeICMFlushUPP function 1
DisposeICMMemoryDisposedUPP function 1
DisposeICMProgressUPP function 1
DisposeImageCodecDrawBandCompleteUPP function 1
DisposeImageCodecMPDrawBandUPP function 1
DisposeImageCodecTimeTriggerUPP function 1
DisposeMatte function 1
DisposeMCActionFilterUPP function 1
DisposeMCActionFilterWithRefConUPP function 1
DisposeMovie function 1
DisposeMovieController function 1
DisposeMovieDrawingCompleteUPP function 1
DisposeMovieEditState function 1
DisposeMovieExecuteWiredActionsUPP function 1
DisposeMovieExportGetDataUPP function 1
DisposeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP function 1
DisposeMovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP function 1
DisposeMoviePrePrerollCompleteUPP function 1
DisposeMoviePreviewCallOutUPP function 1
DisposeMovieProgressUPP function 1
DisposeMovieRgnCoverUPP function 1
DisposeMoviesErrorUPP function 1
DisposeMovieTrack function 1
DisposeMusicMIDISendUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeMusicOfflineDataUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposePrePrerollCompleteUPP function 1
DisposePreprocessInstructionHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeQDPixUPP function 1
DisposeQTBandwidthNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQTCallBackUPP function 1
DisposeQTEffectListFilterUPP function 1
DisposeQTNextTaskNeededSoonerCallbackUPP function 1
DisposeQTSModalFilterUPP function 1
DisposeQTSNotificationUPP function 1
DisposeQTSPanelFilterUPP function 1
DisposeQTSyncTaskUPP function 1
DisposeQTTrackPropertyListenerUPP function 1
DisposeQTVRBackBufferImagingUPP function 1
DisposeQTVREnteringNodeUPP function 1
DisposeQTVRImagingCompleteUPP function 1
DisposeQTVRInterceptUPP function 1
DisposeQTVRLeavingNodeUPP function 1
DisposeQTVRMouseOverHotSpotUPP function 1
DisposeRTPMPDataReleaseUPP function 1
DisposeRTPPBCallbackUPP function 1
DisposeSCModalFilterUPP function 1
DisposeSCModalHookUPP function 1
DisposeSGAddFrameBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGCompressBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGCompressCompleteBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGDataUPP function 1
DisposeSGDisplayBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGDisplayCompressBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGGrabBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGGrabCompleteBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGGrabCompressCompleteBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSGModalFilterUPP function 1
DisposeSGTransferFrameBottleUPP function 1
DisposeSprite function 1
DisposeSpriteWorld function 1
DisposeStartDocumentHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeStartElementHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeStdPixUPP function 1
DisposeTextMediaUPP function 1
DisposeTimeBase function 1
DisposeTrackEditState function 1
DisposeTrackMedia function 1
DisposeTrackTransferUPP function 1
DisposeTuneCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeTunePlayCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeTweenerDataUPP function 1
DisposeUserData function 1
DisposeVdigIntUPP function 1
ditherCopy constant 1
DragAlignedGrayRgn function 1
DragAlignedWindow function 1
DrawPictureFile function 1
DrawTrimmedPicture function 1
DrawTrimmedPictureFile function 1
DSequence Flags 1
EffectsFrameParams structure 1
EffectsFrameParamsPtr data type 1
EffectSource structure 1
EffectSource Values 1
EffectSourcePtr data type 1
EndFullScreen function 1
EndMediaEdits function 1
EnterMovies function 1
EnterMoviesOnThread function 1
EnterMoviesOnThread Values 1
EqualMatrix function 1
Error Codes 1
ExecuteCallBack function 1
ExitMovies function 1
ExitMoviesOnThread function 1
ExtendMediaDecodeDurationToDisplayEndTime function 1
FCompressImage function 1
FCompressImage Values 1 2
FCompressPicture function 1
FCompressPictureFile function 1
FDecompressImage function 1
File Types and Creators 1
FindCodec function 1
FixedRect structure 1
FixExp2 function 1
FixLog2 function 1
FixMulDiv function 1
FixPow function 1
FlashMediaDoButtonActions function 1
FlashMediaFrameLabelToMovieTime function 1
FlashMediaFrameNumberToMovieTime function 1
FlashMediaGetDisplayedFrameNumber function 1
FlashMediaGetFlashVariable function 1
FlashMediaGetRefConBounds function 1
FlashMediaGetRefConID function 1
FlashMediaGetSupportedSwfVersion function 1
FlashMediaIDToRefCon function 1
FlashMediaSetFlashVariable function 1
FlashMediaSetPan function 1
FlashMediaSetZoom function 1
FlashMediaSetZoomRect function 1
FlattenMovie function 1
FlattenMovieData function 1
FlattenMovieData Values 1
FlattenMovieDataToDataRef function 1
FourCharCode data type 1
FracSinCos function 1
Fract data type 1
FSSpecPtr data type 1
Full Screen Flags 1
fullScreenAllowEvents constant 1
fullScreenCaptureDisplay constant 1
fullScreenDontChangeMenuBar constant 1
fullScreenHideCursor constant 1
fullScreenPreflightSize constant 1
GCPart structure 1
GDGetScale function 1
GDHasScale function 1
GDSetScale function 1
Generic Music Constants 1
GenericKnobDescription structure 1
GenericKnobDescriptionListHandle data type 1
GenericKnobDescriptionListPtr data type 1
GetBestDeviceRect function 1
GetCallBackTimeBase function 1
GetCallBackType function 1
GetCodecInfo function 1
GetCodecNameList function 1
GetCompressedImageSize function 1
GetCompressedPixMapInfo function 1
GetCompressionTime function 1
GetCSequenceDataRateParams function 1
GetCSequenceFrameNumber function 1
GetCSequenceKeyFrameRate function 1
GetCSequenceMaxCompressionSize function 1
GetCSequencePrevBuffer function 1
GetDataHandler function 1
GetDSequenceImageBuffer function 1
GetDSequenceMatrix function 1
GetDSequenceNonScheduledDisplayDirection function 1
GetDSequenceNonScheduledDisplayTime function 1
GetDSequenceScreenBuffer function 1
GetFirstCallBack function 1
GetGraphicsImporterForDataRef function 1
GetGraphicsImporterForDataRefWithFlags function 1
GetGraphicsImporterForFile function 1
GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags function 1
GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags Values 1
GetImageDescriptionCTable function 1
GetImageDescriptionExtension function 1
GetMatrixType function 1
GetMaxCompressionSize function 1
GetMaxLoadedTimeInMovie function 1
GetMediaAdvanceDecodeTime function 1
GetMediaCreationTime function 1
GetMediaDataHandler function 1
GetMediaDataHandlerDescription function 1
GetMediaDataRef function 1
GetMediaDataRef Values 1
GetMediaDataRefCount function 1
GetMediaDataSize function 1
GetMediaDataSize64 function 1
GetMediaDataSizeTime64 function 1
GetMediaDecodeDuration function 1
GetMediaDisplayDuration function 1
GetMediaDisplayEndTime function 1
GetMediaDisplayStartTime function 1
GetMediaDuration function 1
GetMediaHandler function 1
GetMediaHandlerDescription function 1
GetMediaInputMap function 1
GetMediaLanguage function 1
GetMediaModificationTime function 1
GetMediaNextInterestingDecodeTime function 1
GetMediaNextInterestingDisplayTime function 1
GetMediaNextInterestingTime function 1
GetMediaPlayHints function 1
GetMediaPreferredChunkSize function 1
GetMediaPropertyAtom function 1
GetMediaQuality function 1
GetMediaSample function 1
GetMediaSample2 function 1
GetMediaSampleCount function 1
GetMediaSampleDescription function 1
GetMediaSampleDescriptionCount function 1
GetMediaSampleReference function 1
GetMediaSampleReferences function 1
GetMediaSampleReferences64 function 1
GetMediaShadowSync function 1
GetMediaSyncSampleCount function 1
GetMediaTimeScale function 1
GetMediaTrack function 1
GetMediaUserData function 1
GetMovieActive function 1
GetMovieActiveSegment function 1
GetMovieAnchorDataRef function 1
GetMovieAudioBalance function 1
GetMovieAudioContext function 1
GetMovieAudioFrequencyLevels function 1
GetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringBandFrequencies function 1
GetMovieAudioFrequencyMeteringNumBands function 1
GetMovieAudioGain function 1
GetMovieAudioMute function 1
GetMovieAudioVolumeLevels function 1
GetMovieAudioVolumeMeteringEnabled function 1
GetMovieBoundsRgn function 1
GetMovieBox function 1
GetMovieClipRgn function 1
GetMovieColorTable function 1
GetMovieCompleteParams structure 1
GetMovieCoverProcs function 1
GetMovieCreationTime function 1
GetMovieDataSize function 1
GetMovieDataSize64 function 1
GetMovieDefaultDataRef function 1
GetMovieDisplayBoundsRgn function 1
GetMovieDisplayClipRgn function 1
GetMovieDuration function 1
GetMovieGWorld function 1
GetMovieImporter Flags 1
GetMovieImporterForDataRef function 1
GetMovieIndTrack function 1
GetMovieIndTrackType function 1
GetMovieIndTrackType Values 1
GetMovieLoadState function 1
GetMovieMatrix function 1
GetMovieModificationTime function 1
GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect function 1
GetMovieNextInterestingTime function 1
GetMoviePict function 1
GetMoviePosterPict function 1
GetMoviePosterTime function 1
GetMoviePreferredRate function 1
GetMoviePreferredVolume function 1
GetMoviePreviewMode function 1
GetMoviePreviewTime function 1
GetMovieProc callback 1
GetMovieProgressProc function 1
GetMoviePropertyAtom function 1
GetMovieRate function 1
GetMovieRateChangeConstraints function 1
GetMovieSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn function 1
GetMovieSelection function 1
GetMoviesError function 1
GetMoviesStickyError function 1
GetMovieStatus function 1
GetMovieThreadAttachState function 1
GetMovieTime function 1
GetMovieTimeBase function 1
GetMovieTimeScale function 1
GetMovieTrack function 1
GetMovieTrackCount function 1
GetMovieUPP data type 1
GetMovieUserData function 1
GetMovieVisualBrightness function 1
GetMovieVisualContext function 1
GetMovieVisualContrast function 1
GetMovieVisualHue function 1
GetMovieVisualSaturation function 1
GetMovieVolume function 1
GetNextCallBack function 1
GetNextImageDescriptionExtensionType function 1
GetNextTrackForCompositing function 1
GetNextTrackReferenceType function 1
GetNextUserDataType function 1
GetPictureFileHeader function 1
GetPosterBox function 1
GetPrevTrackForCompositing function 1
GetQuickTimePreference function 1
GetSimilarity function 1
GetSoundDescriptionExtension function 1
GetSpriteProperty function 1
GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate function 1
GetTimeBaseFlags function 1
GetTimeBaseMasterClock function 1
GetTimeBaseMasterOffsetTimeBase function 1
GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase function 1
GetTimeBaseRate function 1
GetTimeBaseRateChangeStatus function 1
GetTimeBaseStartTime function 1
GetTimeBaseStatus function 1
GetTimeBaseStopTime function 1
GetTimeBaseThreadAttachState function 1
GetTimeBaseTime function 1
GetTrackAlternate function 1
GetTrackAudioGain function 1
GetTrackAudioMute function 1
GetTrackBoundsRgn function 1
GetTrackClipRgn function 1
GetTrackCreationTime function 1
GetTrackDataSize function 1
GetTrackDataSize64 function 1
GetTrackDimensions function 1
GetTrackDisplayBoundsRgn function 1
GetTrackDisplayMatrix function 1
GetTrackDuration function 1
GetTrackEditRate function 1
GetTrackEditRate64 function 1
GetTrackEnabled function 1
GetTrackID function 1
GetTrackLayer function 1
GetTrackLoadSettings function 1
GetTrackMatrix function 1
GetTrackMatte function 1
GetTrackMedia function 1
GetTrackModificationTime function 1
GetTrackMovie function 1
GetTrackMovieBoundsRgn function 1
GetTrackNextInterestingTime function 1
GetTrackOffset function 1
GetTrackPict function 1
GetTrackReference function 1
GetTrackReferenceCount function 1
GetTrackSegmentDisplayBoundsRgn function 1
GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings function 1
GetTrackStatus function 1
GetTrackUsage function 1
GetTrackUserData function 1
GetTrackVolume function 1
GetUserData function 1
GetUserDataItem function 1
GetUserDataText function 1
GoToBeginningOfMovie function 1
GoToEndOfMovie function 1
GrafPort structure 1
GrafPtr data type 1
GraphicImageMovieImportComponent data type 1
Graphics Importer Flags 1
Graphics Transfer Modes 1
GraphicsExportCanTranscode function 1
GraphicsExportCanUseCompressor function 1
GraphicsExportComponent data type 1
GraphicsExportDoExport function 1
GraphicsExportDoStandaloneExport function 1
GraphicsExportDoTranscode function 1
GraphicsExportDoUseCompressor function 1
GraphicsExportDrawInputImage function 1
GraphicsExportGetColorSyncProfile function 1
GraphicsExportGetCompressionMethod function 1
GraphicsExportGetCompressionQuality function 1
GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileNameExtension function 1
GraphicsExportGetDefaultFileTypeAndCreator function 1
GraphicsExportGetDepth function 1
GraphicsExportGetDontRecompress function 1
GraphicsExportGetExifEnabled function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputCGBitmapContext function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputCGImage function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputDataReference function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputDataSize function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputFile function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputGraphicsImporter function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputGWorld function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputHandle function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputImageDepth function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputImageDescription function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputImageDimensions function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputOffsetAndLimit function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputPicture function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputPixmap function 1
GraphicsExportGetInputPtr function 1
GraphicsExportGetInterlaceStyle function 1
GraphicsExportGetMetaData function 1
GraphicsExportGetMIMETypeList function 1
GraphicsExportGetOutputDataReference function 1
GraphicsExportGetOutputFile function 1
GraphicsExportGetOutputFileTypeAndCreator function 1
GraphicsExportGetOutputHandle function 1
GraphicsExportGetOutputMark function 1
GraphicsExportGetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize function 1
GraphicsExportGetProgressProc function 1
GraphicsExportGetResolution function 1
GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer function 1
GraphicsExportGetSettingsAsText function 1
GraphicsExportGetTargetDataSize function 1
GraphicsExportGetThumbnailEnabled function 1
GraphicsExportMayExporterReadInputData function 1
GraphicsExportReadInputData function 1
GraphicsExportReadOutputData function 1
GraphicsExportRequestSettings function 1
GraphicsExportSetColorSyncProfile function 1
GraphicsExportSetCompressionMethod function 1
GraphicsExportSetCompressionQuality function 1
GraphicsExportSetDepth function 1
GraphicsExportSetDontRecompress function 1
GraphicsExportSetExifEnabled function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputCGBitmapContext function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputCGImage function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputDataReference function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputFile function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputGraphicsImporter function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputGWorld function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputHandle function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputOffsetAndLimit function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputPicture function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputPixmap function 1
GraphicsExportSetInputPtr function 1
GraphicsExportSetInterlaceStyle function 1
GraphicsExportSetMetaData function 1
GraphicsExportSetOutputDataReference function 1
GraphicsExportSetOutputFile function 1
GraphicsExportSetOutputFileTypeAndCreator function 1
GraphicsExportSetOutputHandle function 1
GraphicsExportSetOutputMark function 1
GraphicsExportSetOutputOffsetAndMaxSize function 1
GraphicsExportSetProgressProc function 1
GraphicsExportSetResolution function 1
GraphicsExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer function 1
GraphicsExportSetTargetDataSize function 1
GraphicsExportSetThumbnailEnabled function 1
GraphicsExportWriteOutputData function 1
GraphicsImageImportGetSequenceEnabled function 1
GraphicsImageImportSetSequenceEnabled function 1
GraphicsImportComponent data type 1
GraphicsImportCreateCGImage function 1
GraphicsImportCreateCGImage Values 1
GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels function 1
GraphicsImportDoesDrawAllPixels Values 1
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MediaPutMediaInfo function 1
MediaQueueNonPrimarySourceData function 1
MediaRefConGetProperty function 1
MediaRefConSetProperty function 1
MediaRefConSetProperty Values 1
MediaReleaseSampleDataPointer function 1
MediaResolveTargetRefCon function 1
MediaSampleDescriptionB2N function 1
MediaSampleDescriptionChanged function 1
MediaSampleDescriptionN2B function 1
mediaSampleNotSync constant 1 2
MediaSetActionsCallback function 1
MediaSetActive function 1
MediaSetChunkManagementFlags function 1
MediaSetChunkManagementFlags Values 1
MediaSetClip function 1
MediaSetDimensions function 1
MediaSetDoMCActionCallback function 1
MediaSetGraphicsMode function 1
MediaSetGWorld function 1
MediaSetHandlerCapabilities function 1
MediaSetHints function 1
MediaSetMatrix function 1
MediaSetMediaTimeScale function 1
MediaSetMovieTimeScale function 1
MediaSetNonPrimarySourceData function 1
MediaSetPublicInfo function 1
MediaSetPurgeableChunkMemoryAllowance function 1
MediaSetRate function 1
MediaSetScreenLock function 1
MediaSetSoundBalance function 1
MediaSetSoundBassAndTreble function 1
MediaSetSoundEqualizerBands function 1
MediaSetSoundLevelMeteringEnabled function 1
MediaSetSoundLocalizationData function 1
MediaSetSoundOutputComponent function 1
MediaSetTrackInputMapReference function 1
MediaSetUserPreferredCodecs function 1
MediaSetVideoParam function 1
MediaSetVideoParam Values 1
MediaTargetRefConsEqual function 1
MediaTimeBaseChanged function 1
MediaTimeToSampleNum function 1
MediaTrackEdited function 1
MediaTrackPropertyAtomChanged function 1
MediaTrackReferencesChanged function 1
MediaVideoOutputChanged function 1
MIDIImportGetSettings function 1
MIDIImportSetSettings function 1
MIDIImportSetSettings Values 1
ModalFilterYDProc callback 1
ModalFilterYDUPP data type 1
Movie Controller Options 1
MovieAudioExtractionBegin function 1
MovieAudioExtractionEnd function 1
MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer function 1
MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty function 1
MovieAudioExtractionGetPropertyInfo function 1
MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty function 1
MovieEditState data type 1
MovieEditStateRecord structure 1
MovieExecuteWiredActions function 1
MovieExecuteWiredActions Values 1
MovieExecuteWiredActionsProc callback 1
MovieExecuteWiredActionsUPP data type 1
MovieExportAddDataSource function 1
MovieExportComponent data type 1
MovieExportDisposeGetDataAndPropertiesProcs function 1
MovieExportDoUserDialog function 1
movieExportDuration 1
movieExportDuration constant 1
MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef function 1
MovieExportGetAuxiliaryData function 1
MovieExportGetCreatorType function 1
MovieExportGetDataProc callback 1
MovieExportGetDataUPP data type 1
MovieExportGetFileNameExtension function 1
MovieExportGetPropertyProc callback 1
MovieExportGetPropertyUPP data type 1
MovieExportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer function 1
MovieExportGetShortFileTypeString function 1
MovieExportGetSourceMediaType function 1
movieExportHeight constant 1
MovieExportNewGetDataAndPropertiesProcs function 1
MovieExportSetGetMoviePropertyProc function 1
MovieExportSetProgressProc function 1
MovieExportSetSampleDescription function 1
MovieExportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer function 1
MovieExportToDataRef function 1
MovieExportToFile function 1
MovieExportToHandle function 1
MovieExportValidate function 1
movieExportVideoFilter constant 1
movieExportWidth constant 1
movieFileSpecValid 1 2
MovieImportComponent data type 1
MovieImportDataRef function 1
MovieImportDataRef Values 1 2
MovieImportDoUserDialog function 1
MovieImportDoUserDialogDataRef function 1
MovieImportEstimateCompletionTime function 1
MovieImportFile function 1
MovieImportGetAuxiliaryDataType function 1
MovieImportGetDestinationMediaType function 1
MovieImportGetDontBlock function 1
MovieImportGetFileType function 1
MovieImportGetLoadState function 1
MovieImportGetMaxLoadedTime function 1
MovieImportGetMIMETypeList function 1
MovieImportGetSampleDescription function 1
MovieImportGetSettingsAsAtomContainer function 1
MovieImportHandle function 1
MovieImportIdle function 1
movieImportResultNeedIdles constant 1 2
MovieImportSetAuxiliaryData function 1
MovieImportSetChunkSize function 1
MovieImportSetDimensions function 1
MovieImportSetDontBlock function 1
MovieImportSetDuration function 1
MovieImportSetFromScrap function 1
MovieImportSetIdleManager function 1
MovieImportSetMediaDataRef function 1
MovieImportSetMediaFile function 1
MovieImportSetNewMovieFlags function 1
MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit function 1
MovieImportSetOffsetAndLimit64 function 1
MovieImportSetProgressProc function 1
MovieImportSetSampleDescription function 1
MovieImportSetSampleDuration function 1
MovieImportSetSettingsFromAtomContainer function 1
MovieImportValidate function 1
MovieImportValidateDataRef function 1
MovieMediaGetChildDoMCActionCallback function 1
MovieMediaGetChildMovieDataReference function 1
MovieMediaGetCurrentMovieProperty function 1
MovieMediaGetCurrentMovieProperty Values 1
MovieMediaGetCurrentTrackProperty function 1
MovieMediaGetDoMCActionCallback function 1
MovieMediaLoadChildMovieFromDataReference function 1
MovieMediaSetChildMovieDataReference function 1
movieProgressClose constant 1
movieProgressOpen constant 1
MovieProgressProc Values 1
movieProgressUpdatePercent constant 1
MovieRgnCoverProc callback 1
MovieRgnCoverUPP data type 1
MovieSearchText function 1
MovieSearchText Values 1
MoviesTask function 1
MusicComponent data type 1
MusicController data type 1
MusicDerivedCloseResFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedMIDISend function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedOpenResFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedSetInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedSetKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedSetMIDI function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedSetPart function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedSetPartInstrumentNumber function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicDerivedStorePartInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicFindTone function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGenericConfigure function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGenericGetKnobList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGenericGetPart function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetDescription function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetDeviceConnection function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetDrumKnobDescription function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetDrumNames function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetInfoText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetInstrumentAboutInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetInstrumentInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetInstrumentInfo Values 1
MusicGetInstrumentKnobDescription function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetInstrumentNames function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetKnobDescription function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetKnobSettingStrings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetMasterTune function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetMIDIPorts function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetMIDIProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetPart function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetPartController function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetPartKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicGetPartName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicMediaGetIndexedTunePlayer function 1
MusicMIDIPacket structure 1
MusicMIDIPacket Values 1
MusicMIDISendProc callback 1
MusicMIDISendUPP data type 1
MusicOfflineDataProc callback 1
MusicOfflineDataUPP data type 1
MusicPlayNote function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicResetPart function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSendMIDI function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetMasterTune function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetMIDIProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetOfflineTimeTo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPart function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument Values 1
MusicSetPartController function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicSetPartSoundLocalization function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicStartOffline function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicStorePartInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicTask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MusicUseDeviceConnection function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NACopyrightDialog function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NADisposeNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAFindNoteChannelTone function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetController function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetIndNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetMIDIPorts function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetNoteChannelInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetNoteRequest function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAGetRegisteredMusicDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NANewNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NANewNoteChannelFromAtomicInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAPickArrangement function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAPickEditInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAPickInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAPlayNote function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAPrerollNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NARegisterMusicDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAResetNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASaveMusicConfiguration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASendMIDI function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetAtomicInstrument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetController function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetInstrumentNumber function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetKnob function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetNoteChannelBalance function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetNoteChannelSoundLocalization function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NASetNoteChannelVolume function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAStuffToneDescription function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NATask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAUnregisterMusicDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NAUnrollNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
New Movie Properties 1
NewActionsUPP function 1
NewCallBack function 1
NewCDataHandlerUPP function 1
NewCharDataHandlerUPP function 1
NewCommentHandlerUPP function 1
NewDataHCompletionUPP function 1
NewDoMCActionUPP function 1
NewEndDocumentHandlerUPP function 1
NewEndElementHandlerUPP function 1
NewGetMovieUPP function 1
NewICMAlignmentUPP function 1
NewICMCompletionUPP function 1
NewICMConvertDataFormatUPP function 1
NewICMCursorShieldedUPP function 1
NewICMDataUPP function 1
NewICMFlushUPP function 1
NewICMMemoryDisposedUPP function 1
NewICMProgressUPP function 1
NewImageCodecDrawBandCompleteUPP function 1
NewImageCodecMPDrawBandUPP function 1
NewImageCodecTimeTriggerUPP function 1
NewImageGWorld function 1
NewMCActionFilterUPP function 1
NewMCActionFilterWithRefConUPP function 1
NewMovie function 1
NewMovieController function 1
NewMovieController Values 1
NewMovieDrawingCompleteUPP function 1
NewMovieEditState function 1
NewMovieExecuteWiredActionsUPP function 1
NewMovieExportGetDataUPP function 1
NewMovieExportGetPropertyUPP function 1
NewMovieExportStageReachedCallbackUPP function 1
NewMovieForDataRefFromHandle function 1
NewMovieFromDataFork function 1
NewMovieFromDataFork64 function 1
NewMovieFromDataRef function 1
NewMovieFromFile function 1
NewMovieFromFile Values 1
NewMovieFromHandle function 1
NewMovieFromProperties function 1
NewMovieFromScrap function 1
NewMovieFromStorageOffset function 1
NewMovieFromUserProc function 1
NewMoviePrePrerollCompleteUPP function 1
NewMoviePreviewCallOutUPP function 1
NewMovieProgressUPP function 1
NewMovieRgnCoverUPP function 1
NewMoviesErrorUPP function 1
NewMovieTrack function 1
NewMusicMIDISendUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewMusicOfflineDataUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewPrePrerollCompleteUPP function 1
NewPreprocessInstructionHandlerUPP function 1
NewQDPixUPP function 1
NewQTBandwidthNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQTCallBackUPP function 1
NewQTEffectListFilterUPP function 1
NewQTNextTaskNeededSoonerCallbackUPP function 1
NewQTSModalFilterUPP function 1
NewQTSNotificationUPP function 1
NewQTSPanelFilterUPP function 1
NewQTSyncTaskUPP function 1
NewQTTrackPropertyListenerUPP function 1
NewQTVRBackBufferImagingUPP function 1
NewQTVREnteringNodeUPP function 1
NewQTVRImagingCompleteUPP function 1
NewQTVRInterceptUPP function 1
NewQTVRLeavingNodeUPP function 1
NewQTVRMouseOverHotSpotUPP function 1
NewRTPMPDataReleaseUPP function 1
NewRTPPBCallbackUPP function 1
NewSCModalFilterUPP function 1
NewSCModalHookUPP function 1
NewSGAddFrameBottleUPP function 1
NewSGCompressBottleUPP function 1
NewSGCompressCompleteBottleUPP function 1
NewSGDataUPP function 1
NewSGDisplayBottleUPP function 1
NewSGDisplayCompressBottleUPP function 1
NewSGGrabBottleUPP function 1
NewSGGrabCompleteBottleUPP function 1
NewSGGrabCompressCompleteBottleUPP function 1
NewSGModalFilterUPP function 1
NewSGTransferFrameBottleUPP function 1
NewSprite function 1
NewSpriteWorld function 1
NewStartDocumentHandlerUPP function 1
NewStartElementHandlerUPP function 1
NewStdPixUPP function 1
NewTextMediaUPP function 1
NewTimeBase function 1
NewTrackEditState function 1
NewTrackMedia function 1
NewTrackTransferUPP function 1
NewTuneCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewTunePlayCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewTweenerDataUPP function 1
NewUserData function 1
NewUserDataFromHandle function 1
NewVdigIntUPP function 1
noDMAErr constant 1
noMoreKeyColorsErr constant 1
noRecordOfApp constant 1
NoteAllocator data type 1
NoteChannel data type 1
NoteRequest structure 1
notExactMatrixErr constant 1
notExactSizeErr constant 1
notPatCopy constant 1
notPatOr constant 1
notPatXor constant 1
notSrcBic constant 1
notSrcCopy constant 1
notSrcOr constant 1
notSrcXor constant 1
OpenADataHandler function 1
OpenCPicParams structure 1
OpenMovieFile function 1
OpenMovieStorage function 1
OptionBits data type 1
PasteHandleIntoMovie function 1
PasteMovieSelection function 1
patBic constant 1
patCopy constant 1
patOr constant 1
patXor constant 1
pdActionCompactSample constant 1
pdActionConvertSettingsToText constant 1
pdActionConvertSettingsToXML constant 1
pdActionConvertSettingsToXMLWithComments constant 1
pdActionConvertXMLToSettings constant 1
pdActionCustomDisposeControl constant 1
pdActionCustomDoEditCommand constant 1
pdActionCustomGetEnableValue constant 1
pdActionCustomGetValue constant 1
pdActionCustomHandleEvent constant 1
pdActionCustomNewControl constant 1
pdActionCustomPositionControl constant 1
pdActionCustomSetEditCallout constant 1
pdActionCustomSetEditMenu constant 1
pdActionCustomSetFocus constant 1
pdActionCustomSetPreviewPicture constant 1
pdActionCustomSetSampleTime constant 1
pdActionCustomShowHideControl constant 1
pdActionDoEditCommand constant 1
pdActionFetchPreview constant 1
pdActionGetDialogSettings constant 1
pdActionGetNextSample constant 1
pdActionGetPreviousSample constant 1
pdActionGetSubPanelMenuValue constant 1
pdActionModelessCallback constant 1
pdActionRunInEventLoop constant 1
pdActionSetDialogSettings constant 1
pdActionSetEditCallout constant 1
pdActionSetPropertyComponent constant 1
pdActionSetSampleTime constant 1
pdOptionsEditCurrentEffectOnly constant 1
pdOptionsHidePreview constant 1
pdOptionsModalDialogBox constant 1
perspectiveMatrixType constant 1
PlayMoviePreview function 1
PNG Properties 1
pnotComponent data type 1
PrePrerollCompleteProc callback 1
PrePrerollCompleteUPP data type 1
PrePrerollMovie function 1
PrerollMovie function 1
PreviewEvent function 1
PreviewMakePreview function 1
PreviewMakePreviewReference function 1
PreviewShowData function 1
progressOpAddMovieSelection constant 1
progressOpCopy constant 1
progressOpCut constant 1
progressOpFlatten constant 1
progressOpImportMovie constant 1
progressOpInsertMovieSegment constant 1
progressOpInsertTrackSegment constant 1
progressOpLoadMediaIntoRam constant 1
progressOpLoadMovieIntoRam constant 1
progressOpLoadTrackIntoRam constant 1
progressOpPaste constant 1
PtInDSequenceData function 1
PtInMovie function 1
PtInTrack function 1
PutMovieForDataRefIntoHandle function 1
PutMovieIntoDataFork function 1
PutMovieIntoDataFork64 function 1
PutMovieIntoHandle function 1
PutMovieIntoStorage function 1
PutMovieIntoTypedHandle function 1
PutMovieOnScrap function 1
PutMovieOnScrap Values 1
PutUserDataIntoHandle function 1
QDPixProc callback 1
QDPixUPP data type 1
QHdr structure 1
QHdrPtr data type 1
QTAddComponentPropertyListener function 1
QTAddMovieError function 1
QTAddMoviePropertyListener function 1
QTAddTrackPropertyListener function 1
QTAtomSpec structure 1
QTAtomSpecPtr data type 1
QTAtomType data type 1
QTAudioContextCreateForAudioDevice function 1
QTAudioFrequencyLevels structure 1
QTAudioVolumeLevels structure 1
QTBandwidthNotificationProc callback 1
QTBandwidthNotificationUPP data type 1
QTBandwidthReference data type 1
QTBandwidthRelease function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QTBandwidthRequest function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QTBandwidthRequestForTimeBase function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionAddListener function 1
QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionContext structure 1
QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionCreate function 1
function 1
QTComponentPropertyListenerCollectionIsEmpty function 1
function 1
function 1
QTCopyAtom function 1
QTCopyAtomDataToHandle function 1
QTCopyAtomDataToPtr function 1
QTCopyMediaMetaData function 1
QTCopyMovieMetaData function 1
QTCopyTrackMetaData function 1
QTCountChildrenOfType function 1
QTCreateStandardParameterDialog function 1
QTCreateUUID function 1
QTCustomActionTargetPtr data type 1
QTCustomActionTargetRecord structure 1
QTDismissStandardParameterDialog function 1
QTDisposeAtomContainer function 1
QTDisposeTween function 1
QTDoTween function 1
QTDoTweenPtr function 1
QTEffectListFilterProc callback 1
QTEffectListFilterUPP data type 1
QTEffectListOptions data type 1
QTEqualUUIDs function 1
QTErrorReplacementPtr data type 1
QTErrorReplacementRecord structure 1
QTFindChildByID function 1
QTFindChildByIndex function 1
QTFloatSingle data type 1
QTGetAccessKeys function 1
QTGetAtomDataPtr function 1
QTGetAtomParent function 1
QTGetAtomTypeAndID function 1
QTGetComponentProperty function 1
QTGetComponentPropertyInfo function 1
QTGetDataHandlerDirectoryDataReference function 1
QTGetDataHandlerFullPathCFString function 1
QTGetDataHandlerTargetNameCFString function 1
QTGetDataReferenceDirectoryDataReference function 1
QTGetDataReferenceFullPathCFString function 1
QTGetDataReferenceTargetNameCFString function 1
QTGetDataRefMaxFileOffset function 1
QTGetEffectsList function 1
QTGetEffectsList Values 1
QTGetEffectsListExtended function 1
QTGetEffectSpeed function 1
QTGetEffectSpeed Values 1
QTGetFileNameExtension function 1
QTGetMIMETypeInfo function 1
QTGetMIMETypeInfo Values 1
QTGetMovieProperty function 1
QTGetMoviePropertyInfo function 1
QTGetMovieRestrictions function 1
QTGetNextChildType function 1
QTGetPixelFormatDepthForImageDescription function 1
QTGetPixelSize function 1
QTGetPixMapHandleGammaLevel function 1
QTGetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel function 1
QTGetPixMapHandleRowBytes function 1
QTGetPixMapPtrGammaLevel function 1
QTGetPixMapPtrRequestedGammaLevel function 1
QTGetPixMapPtrRowBytes function 1
QTGetSupportedRestrictions function 1
QTGetTimeUntilNextTask function 1
QTGetTrackProperty function 1
QTGetTrackPropertyInfo function 1
QTGetWallClockTimeBase function 1
QTIdleManagerClose function 1
QTIdleManagerGetNextIdleTime function 1
QTIdleManagerNeedsAnIdle function 1
QTIdleManagerOpen function 1
QTIdleManagerSetNextIdleTime function 1
QTIdleManagerSetNextIdleTimeDelta function 1
QTIdleManagerSetNextIdleTimeNever function 1
QTIdleManagerSetNextIdleTimeNow function 1
QTIdleManagerSetParent function 1
QTInsertChild function 1
QTInsertChildren function 1
QTInstallNextTaskNeededSoonerCallback function 1
QTIsStandardParameterDialogEvent function 1
QTLockContainer function 1
QTMetaDataAddItem function 1
QTMetaDataGetItemProperty function 1
QTMetaDataGetItemPropertyInfo function 1
QTMetaDataGetItemValue function 1
QTMetaDataGetNextItem function 1
QTMetaDataGetProperty function 1
QTMetaDataGetPropertyInfo function 1
QTMetaDataRelease function 1
QTMetaDataRemoveItem function 1
QTMetaDataRemoveItemsWithKey function 1
QTMetaDataRetain function 1
QTMetaDataSetItem function 1
QTMetaDataSetItemProperty function 1
QTMetaDataSetProperty function 1
QTMIDIComponent data type 1
QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
QTMIDIPortListHandle data type 1
QTMIDIPortListPtr data type 1
QTMIDISendMIDI function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
QTMIDIUseSendPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
QTMLCreateMutex function 1
QTMLDestroyMutex function 1
qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr constant 1
qtmlDllLoadErr constant 1
QTMLGrabMutex function 1
QTMLMutex data type 1
QTMLReturnMutex function 1
QTMLTryGrabMutex function 1
QTMLYieldCPU function 1
QTMLYieldCPUTime function 1
QTMLYieldCPUTime Values 1
QTMovieNeedsTimeTable function 1
QTNewAlias function 1
QTNewAtomContainer function 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromCFURL function 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRef function 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromFSRefCFString function 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromFSSpec function 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString function 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString Values 1
QTNewDataReferenceFromURLCFString function 1
QTNewDataReferenceWithDirectoryCFString function 1
QTNewGWorld function 1
QTNewGWorldFromPtr function 1
QTNewMoviePropertyElement structure 1
QTNewTween function 1
QTNextChildAnyType function 1
QTOpenGLTextureContextCreate function 1
qtParamErr constant 1
QTParameterValidationOptions data type 1
QTParseTextHREF function 1
QTPhotoDefineHuffmanTable function 1
QTPhotoDefineQuantizationTable function 1
QTPhotoSetRestartInterval function 1
QTPhotoSetSampling function 1
QTPixelBufferContextCreate function 1
QTRegisterAccessKey function 1
QTRemoveAtom function 1
QTRemoveChildren function 1
QTRemoveComponentPropertyListener function 1
QTRemoveMoviePropertyListener function 1
QTRemoveTrackPropertyListener function 1
QTReplaceAtom function 1
QTRestrictionSet data type 1
QTRestrictionSetRecord structure 1
QTRestrictionsGetIndClass function 1
QTRestrictionsGetInfo function 1
QTRestrictionsGetItem function 1
QTRuntimeSpriteDescPtr data type 1
QTRuntimeSpriteDescStruct structure 1
QTSAllocBuffer function 1
QTSAllocMemPtr function 1
QTSampleTableAddSampleDescription function 1
QTSampleTableAddSampleReferences function 1
QTSampleTableCopySampleDescription function 1
QTSampleTableCreateMutable function 1
QTSampleTableCreateMutableCopy function 1
QTSampleTableGetDataOffset function 1
QTSampleTableGetDataSizePerSample function 1
QTSampleTableGetDecodeDuration function 1
QTSampleTableGetDisplayOffset function 1
QTSampleTableGetNextAttributeChange function 1
QTSampleTableGetNextAttributeChange Values 1
QTSampleTableGetNumberOfSamples function 1
QTSampleTableGetProperty function 1
QTSampleTableGetPropertyInfo function 1
QTSampleTableGetSampleDescriptionID function 1
QTSampleTableGetSampleFlags function 1
QTSampleTableGetSampleFlags Values 1 2
QTSampleTableGetTimeScale function 1
QTSampleTableGetTypeID function 1
QTSampleTableRelease function 1
QTSampleTableReplaceRange function 1
QTSampleTableRetain function 1
QTSampleTableSetProperty function 1
QTSampleTableSetTimeScale function 1
QTScheduledBandwidthPtr data type 1
QTScheduledBandwidthRecord structure 1
QTScheduledBandwidthReference data type 1
QTScheduledBandwidthRelease function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QTScheduledBandwidthRequest function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QTSCopyMessage function 1
QTSDisposePresentation function 1
QTSDisposeStatHelper function 1
QTSDisposeStream function 1
QTSDuplicateMessage function 1
QTSDupMessage function 1
QTSetAtomData function 1
QTSetAtomID function 1
QTSetComponentProperty function 1
QTSetComponentProperty Values 1
QTSetMovieProperty function 1
QTSetPixMapHandleGammaLevel function 1
QTSetPixMapHandleRequestedGammaLevel function 1
QTSetPixMapHandleRowBytes function 1
QTSetPixMapPtrGammaLevel function 1
QTSetPixMapPtrRequestedGammaLevel function 1
QTSetPixMapPtrRequestedGammaLevel Values 1
QTSetPixMapPtrRowBytes function 1
QTSetTrackProperty function 1
QTSExportParams structure 1
QTSFindMediaPacketizer function 1
QTSFindMediaPacketizerForPayloadID function 1
QTSFindMediaPacketizerForPayloadName function 1
QTSFindMediaPacketizerForTrack function 1
QTSFindReassemblerForPayloadID function 1
QTSFindReassemblerForPayloadName function 1
QTSFlattenMessage function 1
QTSFreeMessage function 1
QTSGetErrorString function 1
QTSGetNetworkAppName function 1
QTSGetOrMakeStatAtomForStream function 1
QTSGetStreamPresentation function 1
QTSInitializeMediaParams function 1
QTSInsertStatistic function 1
QTSInsertStatisticName function 1
QTSInsertStatisticUnits function 1
QTSInsertStatisticUnits Values 1
QTSInstantOnPref structure 1
QTSInstantOnPref Values 1
QTSMediaGetIndStreamInfo function 1
QTSMediaGetInfo function 1
QTSMediaParams structure 1
QTSMediaSetIndStreamInfo function 1
QTSMediaSetInfo function 1
QTSMediaSetInfo Values 1
QTSMemPtr data type 1
QTSMessageLength function 1
QTSNewHandle function 1
QTSNewPresentation function 1
QTSNewPresentationFromData function 1
QTSNewPresentationFromDataRef function 1
QTSNewPresentationFromFile function 1
QTSNewPresentationParams structure 1
QTSNewPtr function 1
QTSNewPtr Values 1
QTSNewSourcer function 1
QTSNewStatHelper function 1
QTSNewStreamBuffer function 1
QTSNoProxyPref structure 1
QTSNotificationProc callback 1
QTSNotificationUPP data type 1
QTSoundDescriptionConvert function 1
QTSoundDescriptionCreate function 1
QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty function 1
QTSoundDescriptionGetPropertyInfo function 1
QTSoundDescriptionSetProperty function 1
QTSPrefsAddConnectionSetting function 1
QTSPrefsAddProxySetting function 1
QTSPrefsAddProxyUserInfo function 1
QTSPrefsFindConnectionByType function 1
QTSPrefsFindProxyByType function 1
QTSPrefsFindProxyUserInfoByType function 1
QTSPrefsGetActiveConnection function 1
QTSPrefsGetActiveConnection Values 1
QTSPrefsGetInstantOnSettings function 1
QTSPrefsGetNoProxyURLs function 1
QTSPrefsSetInstantOnSettings function 1
QTSPrefsSetNoProxyURLs function 1
QTSPresAddSourcer function 1
QTSPresentation data type 1
QTSPresentationRecord structure 1
QTSPresExport function 1
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sgFlagAllowNonRGBPixMaps 1
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SGRelease function 1
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SGSetChannelDevice function 1
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SGSetChannelPlayFlags function 1
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SGSetChannelSettingsStateChanging function 1
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SGSetFlags function 1
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smSimpChinese constant 1
smTradChinese constant 1
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srcXor constant 1
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Style data type 1
subOver constant 1
subPin constant 1
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TCGetTimeCodeAtTime function 1
TCGetTimeCodeFlags function 1
tcNegTimesOK constant 1
TCSetDisplayOptions function 1
TCSetSourceRef function 1
TCSetTimeCodeFlags function 1
TCSetTimeCodeFlags Values 1
TCTextOptions structure 1
TCTextOptionsPtr data type 1
TCTimeCodeToFrameNumber function 1
TCTimeCodeToString function 1
TEHandle data type 1
TEPtr data type 1
TerminateQTS function 1
Text Properties 1
TextDescriptionHandle data type 1
TextDescriptionPtr data type 1
TextDisplayData structure 1
TextExportComponent data type 1
TextExportGetDisplayData function 1
TextExportGetSettings function 1
TextExportGetTimeFraction function 1
TextExportSetSettings function 1
TextExportSetSettings Values 1
TextExportSetTimeFraction function 1
TextMediaAddHiliteSample function 1
TextMediaAddTESample function 1
TextMediaAddTextSample function 1
TextMediaDrawRaw function 1
TextMediaFindNextText function 1
TextMediaFindNextText Values 1
TextMediaGetTextProperty function 1
TextMediaHiliteTextSample function 1
TextMediaRawIdle function 1
TextMediaRawSetup function 1
TextMediaSetTextProc function 1
TextMediaSetTextProperty function 1
TextMediaSetTextSampleData function 1
TextMediaType constant 1 2
TIFF Properties 1
timeBaseAfterStopTime 1
TimeBaseStatus data type 1
TimeCodeDef structure 1
TimeCodeDef Values 1
TimeCodeDescriptionHandle data type 1
TimeCodeDescriptionPtr data type 1
TimeCodeRecord structure 1
ToneDescription Values 1
TrackEditState data type 1
TrackEditStateRecord structure 1
TrackTimeToMediaDisplayTime function 1
TrackTimeToMediaTime function 1
TransformFixedPoints function 1
TransformFixedRect function 1
TransformPoints function 1
TransformRect function 1
TransformRgn function 1
TranslateMatrix function 1
translateMatrixType constant 1
transparent constant 1
TrimImage function 1
TuneCallBackProc callback 1
TuneCallBackUPP data type 1
TuneGetIndexedNoteChannel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneGetNoteAllocator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneGetPartMix function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneGetStatus function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneGetTimeBase function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneGetTimeScale function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneGetVolume function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneInstant function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TunePlayCallBackProc callback 1
TunePlayCallBackUPP data type 1
TunePlayer data type 1
TunePreroll function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneQueue function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetBalance function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetHeader function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetHeaderWithSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetNoteChannels function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetPartMix function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetPartMix Values 1
TuneSetPartTranspose function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetSofter function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetSoundLocalization function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetTimeScale function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneSetVolume function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneStatus structure 1
TuneStop function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneTask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TuneUnroll function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TweenerComponent data type 1
TweenerDataProc callback 1
TweenerDataUPP data type 1
TweenerDoTween function 1
TweenerInitialize function 1
TweenerReset function 1
TweenRecord structure 1
UnsignedFixMulDiv function 1
UpdateMovie function 1
UpdateMovieInStorage function 1
UpdateMovieResource function 1
UseMovieEditState function 1
UseTrackEditState function 1
VDAddKeyColor function 1
VDCaptureStateChanging function 1
VDClearClipRgn function 1
VDCompressDone function 1
VDCompressionListHandle data type 1
VDCompressionListPtr data type 1
VDCompressOneFrameAsync function 1
VDDone function 1
vdFlagCaptureAlwaysUseTimeBase 1
VDGammaRecord structure 1
VDGamRecPtr data type 1
VDGetActiveSrcRect function 1
VDGetBlackLevelValue function 1
VDGetBrightness function 1
VDGetClipState function 1
VDGetCLUTInUse function 1
VDGetCompressionTime function 1
VDGetCompressionTypes function 1
VDGetContrast function 1
VDGetCurrentFlags function 1
VDGetDataRate function 1
VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags function 1
VDGetDeviceNameAndFlags Values 1
VDGetDigitizerInfo function 1
VDGetDigitizerRect function 1
VDGetDMADepths function 1
VDGetFieldPreference function 1
VDGetHue function 1
VDGetImageDescription function 1
VDGetInput function 1
VDGetInputColorSpaceMode function 1
VDGetInputFormat function 1
VDGetInputGammaRecord function 1
VDGetInputGammaValue function 1
VDGetInputName function 1
VDGetKeyColor function 1
VDGetKeyColorRange function 1
VDGetMaskandValue function 1
VDGetMaskPixMap function 1
VDGetMaxAuxBuffer function 1
VDGetMaxSrcRect function 1
VDGetNextKeyColor function 1
VDGetNumberOfInputs function 1
VDGetPlayThruDestination function 1
VDGetPLLFilterType function 1
VDGetPreferredImageDimensions function 1
VDGetPreferredTimeScale function 1
VDGetSaturation function 1
VDGetSharpness function 1
VDGetSoundInputDriver function 1
VDGetSoundInputSource function 1
VDGetTimeCode function 1
VDGetUniqueIDs function 1
VDGetVBlankRect function 1
VDGetVideoDefaults function 1
VDGetWhiteLevelValue function 1
VDGrabOneFrame function 1
VDGrabOneFrameAsync function 1
VdigBufferRecListHandle data type 1
VdigBufferRecListPtr data type 1
VdigType Values 1
VDIIDCGetCSRData function 1
VDIIDCGetDefaultFeatures function 1
VDIIDCGetFeatures function 1
VDIIDCGetFeaturesForSpecifier function 1
VDIIDCSetCSRData function 1
VDIIDCSetFeatures function 1
VDPreflightDestination function 1
VDPreflightGlobalRect function 1
VDReleaseAsyncBuffers function 1
VDReleaseCompressBuffer function 1
VDResetCompressSequence function 1
VDSelectUniqueIDs function 1
VDSetBlackLevelValue function 1
VDSetBrightness function 1
VDSetClipRgn function 1
VDSetClipState function 1
VDSetCompression function 1
VDSetCompression Values 1
VDSetCompressionOnOff function 1
VDSetContrast function 1
VDSetDataRate function 1
VDSetDestinationPort function 1
VDSetDigitizerRect function 1
VDSetDigitizerUserInterrupt function 1
VDSetFieldPreference function 1
VDSetFieldPreference Values 1
VDSetFrameRate function 1
VDSetHue function 1
VDSetInput function 1
VDSetInputColorSpaceMode function 1
VDSetInputGammaRecord function 1
VDSetInputGammaValue function 1
VDSetInputStandard function 1
VDSetKeyColor function 1
VDSetKeyColorRange function 1
VDSetMasterBlendLevel function 1
VDSetPlayThruDestination function 1
VDSetPlayThruGlobalRect function 1
VDSetPlayThruOnOff function 1
VDSetPlayThruOnOff Values 1
VDSetPLLFilterType function 1
VDSetPreferredImageDimensions function 1
VDSetPreferredPacketSize function 1
VDSetSaturation function 1
VDSetSharpness function 1
VDSetTimeBase function 1
VDSetupBuffers function 1
VDSetWhiteLevelValue function 1
vdTypeAlpha constant 1
vdTypeBasic constant 1
vdTypeMask constant 1
VDUseSafeBuffers function 1
VDUseThisCLUT function 1
verChina constant 1
verFarEastGeneric constant 1
verGreece constant 1
verGreecePoly constant 1
verInternational constant 1
verIreland constant 1
verIrishGaelicScript constant 1
verMultilingual constant 1
verScriptGeneric constant 1
verSpain constant 1
verSpLatinAmerica constant 1
verTaiwan constant 1
Video Digitizer Capabilities 1
VideoBottles structure 1
VideoDigitizerComponent data type 1
VideoDigitizerError data type 1
VideoMediaGetCodecParameter function 1
VideoMediaGetStallCount function 1
VideoMediaGetStatistics function 1
VideoMediaResetStatistics function 1
VideoMediaSetCodecParameter function 1
XMLDoc data type 1
XMLDocRecord structure 1
XMLParseAddAttribute function 1
XMLParseAddAttributeAndValue function 1
XMLParseAddAttributeValueKind function 1
XMLParseAddElement function 1
XMLParseAddMultipleAttributes function 1
XMLParseAddMultipleAttributesAndValues function 1
XMLParseAddNameSpace function 1
XMLParseDataRef function 1
XMLParseDisposeXMLDoc function 1
XMLParseFile function 1
XMLParseGetDetailedParseError function 1
XMLParseSetCDataHandler function 1
XMLParseSetCharDataHandler function 1
XMLParseSetCommentHandler function 1
XMLParseSetEndDocumentHandler function 1
XMLParseSetEndElementHandler function 1
XMLParseSetEventParseRefCon function 1
XMLParseSetOffsetAndLimit function 1
XMLParseSetPreprocessInstructionHandler function 1
XMLParseSetStartDocumentHandler function 1
XMLParseSetStartElementHandler function 1

© 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-05-23)

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