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Inside Macintosh: Advanced Color Imaging Reference /
Chapter 2 - Color Picker Manager Reference /
Color Picker Manager Functions / Getting the Menu State and the Help Balloons for a Color Picker


Determines a color picker's specifications for the Edit menu.

pascal OSErr GetPickerEditMenuState (
picker thePicker, 
MenuState *mState);
The color picker whose Edit menu specifications you need to determine.
A pointer to a MenuState structure (page 2-19). On output, specifies the color picker's specifications for the Edit menu.
In the MenuState structure pointed to in the mState parameter, the GetPickerEditMenuState function returns the state of the Edit menu that is needed by the color picker specified in the parameter thePicker.

Your application needs to make this call only if your application is handling its own menus and the color picker dialog box is the active window.

Listing 2-10 (page 2-21) in Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS illustrates how to use the GetPickerEditMenuState function.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 NOV 1996