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Inside Macintosh: Advanced Color Imaging Reference /
Chapter 3 - ColorSync Manager Reference for Applications and Device Drivers / ColorSync Manager Functions
Accessing Profiles /


Indicates whether the specified profile has been modified since it was created or last updated.

pascal CMError CMProfileModified (
CMProfileRef prof,
Boolean *modified);
A profile reference (page 3-63) to the profile to examine.
A pointer to a Boolean value. On output, the value of modified is set to true if the profile has been modified, false if it has not.
function result
A result code of type CMError. See "Result Codes" (page 3-174) for a list of ColorSync-specific result codes.
The CMProfileModified function returns, through the modified parameter, the current state of the modified flag for the specified profile.

When a profile is first opened, its modified flag is initialized to false. On calls that add to, delete from, or set the profile header or tags, the modified flag is set to true. After calling the CMUpdateProfile function (page 3-73), the modified flag is reset to false.

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11 NOV 1996