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Inside Macintosh: Advanced Color Imaging Reference /
Chapter 5 - Color Manager Reference /
Constants and Data Types /


The ITab data structure contains the inverse table information that the Color Manager uses for fast mapping of RGB color values.

struct ITab {
   long        iTabSeed;   /* copy of color table seed */
   short       iTabRes;    /* resolution of table */
   unsigned chariTTable[1]; /* byte color table index values */
typedef struct ITab ITab;
typedef ITab *ITabPtr, **ITabHandle;
Field Description
The iTabSeed value, initially set from the corresponding CLUT's ctSeed field. If at any time these don't match, then the color table was changed, and the inverse table needs to be rebuilt.
The resolution of this inverse table.
An array of index values. The size of the iTabTable field in bytes is 23*iTabRes.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 NOV 1996