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Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication /
Chapter 2 - Edition Manager / Edition Manager Reference
Edition Manager Routines / Edition Container Formats


You probably do not need to call the GetStandardFormats function directly because the Edition Manager calls this function.

FUNCTION GetStandardFormats 
               (container: EditionContainerSpec; 
                VAR previewFormat: FormatType;
                preview, publisherAlias, formats: Handle): OSErr;
An edition container record that specifies the edition volume reference number, directory ID, filename, and part.
The GetStandardFormats function returns in this parameter a handle to the first format of the requested format type that it finds in the edition.
A format type. The GetStandardFormats function looks for a format of the type specified in this parameter and returns in this parameter the format type of the first format that it finds. The function tries to find one of four formats: 'prvw', 'PICT', 'TEXT', or 'snd '.
The publisherAlias parameter reads the format kPublisherDocAliasFormat ('alis').
The formats parameter reads the virtual format kFormatListFormat ('fmts').
You should pass in valid handles for the formats that you want and NIL for the formats that you don't want. The handles are resized to the size of the data.

If one of the requested formats cannot be found, GetStandardFormats returns a noTypeErr result code.

noErr0No error
noTypeErr-102Edition container not found
editionMgrInitErr-450Manager not initialized

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996