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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberItem


Initiates the opening of this Cyberdog item.

void Open (in ParameterSet theParams);
The ParameterSet object associated with the opening process.
What happens when Open is called depends on the implementation in the CyberItem subclass. Typically, the Cyberdog item creates a new display part to display the data and calls that part's OpenCyberItem method.

The parameter set contains pointers to objects that may be used during the opening process. For example, the parameter set might contain the parent Cyberdog item whose content contains the Cyberdog item being opened. If so, when the Cyberdog item calls CyberSession::AddCyberItemToLog to add itself to the log, it can pass the parent Cyberdog item as a parameter.

If you subclass CyberItem, you must override this method. Your override must not call its inherited method; that is, your override method must implement this method's functionality completely.

The ParameterSet class (page 391).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996