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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberItem


Writes this Cyberdog item to a storage unit.

void StreamToStorageUnit (in ODStorageUnit su);
The ODStorageUnit object in which the Cyberdog item is to be written.
This method calls Flatten to flatten this Cyberdog item to a byte stream and then writes the stream to the specified storage unit. This method is called to write a Cyberdog item to a storage unit in a single format. You can call this method to store a Cyberdog item when the stored Cyberdog item will not be used for data interchange. For example, this method is called by the notebook to store the contents of the notebook to a storage unit.

This method assumes that the specified storage unit is focused on the correct storage unit property and value. To read a Cyberdog item saved using StreamToStorageUnit, you should call the CyberSession::CreateCyberItemFromSU method.

If you subclass CyberItem, do not override this method.

The Flatten method (page 233).
The CyberSession::CreateCyberItemFromSU method (page 355).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996