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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberPartExtension


Tests whether this part is displaying content referenced by the specified Cyberdog item.

ODBoolean CanShowCyberItem (in CyberItem item);
The Cyberdog item for this operation.
return value
kODTrue if the part is displaying the content referenced by the specified Cyberdog item; otherwise, kODFalse.
This method is called by the CyberSession::FindCyberItemWindow and CyberSession::SelectCyberItemWindow methods to determine whether the content referenced by the specified Cyberdog item is already being shown in a window.

The superclass implementation of this method returns kODTrue if the specified item is equal to the Cyberdog item returned by the GetCyberItem method. In some cases, you may wish to use a less stringent test. For example, it is possible for two URLs to reference different locations in the same web page. An HTML display part's CanShowCyberItem method might return kODTrue if the specified Cyberdog item references the page that the display part is currently displaying, even though the item's URL is different.

The GetCyberItem method (page 285).
The CyberSession::FindCyberItemWindow method (page 359).
The CyberSession::SelectCyberItemWindow method (page 373).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996