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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberPartExtension


Handles semantic events for this Cyberdog display part.

ODBoolean HandleCommand (in long commandCreator,
in long commandID, 
in ODFrame frame, 
in void* commandData);
The creator of the display part.
The ID of the command to execute.
The frame to which the command applies.
A pointer to data associated with the command.
return value
kODTrue if the method handled the command; otherwise, kODFalse.
This method should handle any additional semantic events defined by the display part. The superclass implementation returns kODFalse.

You can avoid command-ID conflicts by qualifying your display part's command IDs with a creator; you need only worry about making all of your command IDs unique. You should register your creator with Developer Technical Support.

Cyberdog defines some command IDs in Cyberdog.h. The creator associated with Cyberdog's commands is kCyberdogCreator.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996