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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberPartExtension


Opens a Cyberdog item in this display part.

void OpenCyberItem (in CyberItem item, 
in ODPart openerPart, 
in ParameterSet openParams);
The Cyberdog item to be opened.
The opener part to use in the opening process, if any; otherwise, kODNULL.
The ParameterSet object to use in the opening process, if any; otherwise, kODNULL.
This method notifies this Cyberdog display part that it is being opened to display the content referenced by the specified Cyberdog item. The superclass implementation first calls SetCyberItem to store a reference to the Cyberdog item. Then, if an opener part is passed in as a parameter, the method calls the opener part's OpenPart method to open the Cyberdog item. If no opener part is passed in, OpenCyberItem calls the display part's Open method.

If you are creating a Cyberdog display part, you would override this method in your CyberPartExtension subclass to insert additional code into the opening process. For example, your override might take these actions:

The SetCyberItem method (page 291).
The CyberOpenerPartExtension::OpenPart method (page 275).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996