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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberSession


Opens an Internet Config session.

ICError AcquireICInstance (out ICInstance inst, 
in ODOSType creator);
The connection instance for all subsequent calls to Internet Config.
The creator that uniquely identifies your display part.
return value
An Internet Config error code.
You call this method to retrieve an ICInstance object instead of calling the Internet Config functions ICStart and ICFindConfigFile. One connection instance is required per creator. Cyberdog needs to maintain a list of all the ICInstance objects in use so that when the SetConfigReference method is called, it can redirect the ICInstance objects to the new file. See InternetConfig.h for the list of possible Internet Config error codes that may be returned.

Do not subclass this class.

The SetConfigReference method (page 373).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996