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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberSession


Adds a Cyberdog item to the log.

void AddCyberItemToLog (in CyberItem parent, 
in CyberItem child);
The CyberItem object's parent, if one exists; otherwise, kODNULL.
The CyberItem object to be added.
This method calls the log part extension's AddCyberItemToLog method. The log can display the hierarchical relationships among the Cyberdog items in the log. If the item to be added to the log has a parent, you should pass it in the parent parameter.

By convention, a display part is responsible for adding to the log the item whose referenced content it displays. When a display part's window gets the selection focus, the part should call SetLogFinger to set the log finger to point to the item.

Do not subclass this class.

The ClearLogFinger method (page 353).
The LogContainsCyberItem method (page 369).
The SetLogFinger method (page 375).
The CyberLogExtension::AddCyberItemToLog method (page 251).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996