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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 7 - Classes and Methods / CyberSession


Creates a proxy Cyberdog item for a URL.

CyberItem CreateProxyItemFromURL (in char* url);
The URL to be converted to a CyberItem object.
return value
The newly created proxy CyberItem object.
This method creates a Cyberdog item capable of retrieving data by way of a proxy server.

Gopher and FTP Cyberdog items must be capable of accessing data located on a proxy server; if you implement your own Gopher or FTP Cyberdog item subclass, it needs to provide for this capability. When a Gopher or FTP Cyberdog item is opened (CyberItem::Open), it should check the preferences to see whether proxy server access is enabled. If proxy server access is enabled, the Cyberdog item should call CyberSession::CreateProxyItemFromURL to create a proxy Cyberdog item capable of accessing a proxy server and then call Open to open the proxy item. Similarly, the Cyberdog item's other methods should pass appropriate messages through to the proxy item when proxy server access is enabled.

Likewise, to support access to proxy servers, a web service needs to include the Cyberdog proxy scheme, represented by kCyberProxyScheme, in the list of URL schemes that it supports. If you implement your own web service subclass, it needs to provide for this capability.

Do not subclass this class.

The kCyberProxyScheme constant (page 178).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996