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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 2 - Programming in Cyberdog

Chapter 4 - Creating a Cyberdog Display Part

This chapter outlines the steps you take to create an editor for a Cyberdog display part. A Cyberdog display part is an OpenDoc part that can retrieve and display data from an Internet location specified by a Cyberdog item; for example, the contents of an HTTP or Gopher site. Specifically, a Cyberdog display part class is a subclass of ODPart that has a Cyberdog part extension.

You create a Cyberdog display part editor much as you create an editor for any OpenDoc part; for example, you specify how data is rendered and stored, and you specify its resources. However, creating a Cyberdog display part editor involves a few additional steps, as follows:

This chapter illustrates these steps using a sample Cyberdog display part, CybTxtViewer, which downloads and displays text. Cyberdog already provides a real display part for text; your display part would likely display other kinds of data or display text data some other way.

Chapter Contents
Implementing Your Cyberdog Part Extension
Associating a Part Extension With a Display Part
Overriding Cyberdog Part Extension Methods
Implementing Your Cyberdog Display Part Class
Modifying Your ODPart Subclass
Implementing the OpenDoc Extension Protocol
Releasing the Part Extension
Creating and Destroying the Display Part Object
Supporting Cyberdog's Document Menu
Using Window-Position Hints
Creating a Stream for Downloading
Downloading From the Stream
Locating the Cyberdog Item's Window
Closing Your Display Part's Window
Modifying Your Name-Mapping Resource

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996