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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit /


abstract class A class used only to derive other classes. An abstract class is never instantiated. Compare concrete class.

address browser An OpenDoc part that displays a list of e-mail and newsgroup addresses contained in a notebook. The address browser allows the user to select addresses to be added to an address field, such as the To: or CC: field, in a mail message.

asynchronous process A process, potentially time consuming, that is performed in a separate thread from the process that initiated it. The initiating process starts the asynchronous process and does not wait for the process to complete before continuing. Compare synchronous process.

BinHex A file format in which binary data is stored as ASCII text. This is useful for transferring 8-bit data over 7-bit networks or data paths.

browser See navigator.

concrete class A class designed to be instantiated. Compare abstract class.

Connect To dialog box A dialog box with which the user can specify information for connecting to a remote location. It is an OpenDoc part with extensions subclassed from CyberContainerExtension and CyberItemPromptExtension.

Connect To panel A dialog-box panel, embedded in the Connect To dialog box, with which the user can specify connection information for a particular service. The Connect To panel is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberConnectExtension. See also panel.

Cyberdog An extensible architecture for searching and browsing networks, accessing Internet mail and newsgroups, and embedding network content in OpenDoc documents and container applications.

Cyberdog display part A part that displays the content referenced by a Cyberdog item. It is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberPartExtension.

Cyberdog draft See Cyberdog session document.

Cyberdog item A small, portable reference to data. A Cyberdog item does not store actual data. Instead, it stores enough information about the location and protocol of the data so that it can be retrieved when it is needed. It is an object of a CyberItem subclass.

Cyberdog menu A menu that contains commands for accessing Cyberdog supporting parts such as the Connect To dialog box, the log, and the default notebook.

Cyberdog service An object of a CyberService subclass that represents support for accessing remotely located data using a particular protocol. Cyberdog developers subclass CyberService to add support for new protocols to Cyberdog.

Cyberdog service menus A single object that represents all the menus added to the menu bar by all Cyberdog services. It is an object of the CyberServiceMenu class. A Cyberdog display part creates a CyberServiceMenu object if it wants Cyberdog services to display their menus when the display part is active.

Cyberdog session An object of the CyberSession class that represents a user's access to Cyberdog. It keeps track of global objects such as the supported Cyberdog services, the notebook, and the log.

Cyberdog session document An OpenDoc document associated with the Cyberdog session that contains all Cyberdog display parts and navigators opened by Cyberdog. (The session document does not contain Cyberdog display parts that are embedded in other OpenDoc documents.) The session document's root part never displays itself. The session document has a single draft.

Cyberdog Starting Point An OpenDoc document window that contains buttons giving the user access to the primary Cyberdog features.

Cyberdog stream An object of a CyberStream subclass that encapsulates the protocol knowledge required to download data referenced by objects of its companion CyberItem subclass.

dialog box part An OpenDoc container part used as a dialog box. For Cyberdog, it has an extension subclassed from CyberContainerExtension. A dialog box part embeds panels. See Connect To dialog box and Preferences dialog box.

display part See Cyberdog display part.

download icon A Finder icon that represents the content referenced by a Cyberdog item. The content is downloaded and saved on disk as the data's native file type. Compare part icon and reference icon.

download part An OpenDoc part used to download the content referenced by a Cyberdog item and save it to disk. A download part is used when the user drags a Cyberdog item to the Finder or when a Cyberdog item is opening and is unable to bind to a part editor. A download part is an OpenDoc part with extensions subclassed from DownloadExtension and CyberPartExtension.

environment parameter A parameter used by all methods of SOM objects to pass exceptions.

extension An OpenDoc object that extends the programming interface of another OpenDoc object. Cyberdog provides a number of extension classes that you can subclass and implement to allow your part editors to work with Cyberdog.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) A protocol for transferring files from one computer to another.

form In HTML, a page that allows the user to specify information that is then submitted to the HTTP server. The HTTP server can use the form information to dynamically construct the next page to be downloaded and displayed.

FTP See File Transfer Protocol.

Gopher A hierarchical means of exploring information resources.

HTML See Hypertext Markup Language.

HTTP See Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) A protocol for tagging formatting attributes in a document, indicating to a Cyberdog display part how text and graphics should be displayed as well as indicating any links to other files or documents.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) The protocol used by World Wide Web browsers and client programs to communicate with web servers.

IC See Internet Config.

IDL See Interface Definition Language.

Info window See Item Info window.

initial opener part An opener part, passed as a parameter in a parameter set, that is used during the opening of a Cyberdog item. Before you can use an initial opener part, you must obtain it by calling CyberSession::ObtainOpener. See also obtained opener part.

Interface Definition Language (IDL) A syntax created by IBM to describe the interface of classes that can be compiled by the SOM compiler.

Internet Config (IC) A software package used by Cyberdog to store and recall a user's Internet-related preferences, such as the user's name, e-mail address, news host, and so on.

Internet Config key A string constant used to refer to a particular Internet Config preference setting.

ISO string A null-terminated 7-bit ASCII string used to uniquely identify a storage unit property or data type.

item See Cyberdog item.

Item Info window A window that displays information about a Cyberdog item, including its URL.

JPEG A compressed image format useful for transferring graphics. An abbreviation for Joint Photographic Experts Group.

log An OpenDoc part that displays a list of the Cyberdog items visited by the user. The log displays Cyberdog items in one of three formats: alphabetical, chronological, or hierarchical.

log finger In the log, an icon pointing to the Cyberdog item that the user is currently visiting.

log manager In the Cyberdog log implementation, the component that handles operations performed on the log. The Cyberdog log manager is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberLogExtension.

MIME media type A text string used in MIME transmissions to indicate the type of the data being transmitted. See Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) A standard protocol for transmitting binary data, such as images or sounds, across the Internet.

name-mapping resource A Mac OS resource, of type 'nmap', that contains information used for part binding.

navigator A part that supports navigation among Cyberdog items; Cyberdog display parts can be embedded in a navigator. A navigator is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberNavigatorExtension.

notebook An OpenDoc part in which a user can store Cyberdog items that refer to network locations of interest.

notebook manager In the Cyberdog notebook implementation, the component that handles operations performed on the notebook. The Cyberdog notebook manager is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberNotebookExtension.

obtain To retrieve an opener part from the Cyberdog session object by calling CyberSession::ObtainOpener method. See also initial opener part and obtained opener part.

obtained opener part An opener part, passed as a parameter a parameter set, that is used during the opening of a Cyberdog item. An obtained opener part has already been obtained by calling the CyberSession::ObtainOpener method. See also initial opener part.

OpenDoc A multiplatform technology, implemented as a set of shared libraries, that uses component software to facilitate the construction and sharing of compound documents.

opener part A part that acts as a placeholder and displays progress until a Cyberdog display part can be opened. If OpenDoc needs to create a part in order to open a Cyberdog item, but the item does not yet know the type of the data it references, an opener part is used as a placeholder until an appropriate Cyberdog display part for the item can be opened. An opener part is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberOpenerPartExtension. See also initial opener part and obtained opener part.

panel A part embedded in a dialog box; typically, a panel allows the user to specify some information. For example, a panel in a Connect To dialog box allows the user to specify connection information for a remote location. For Cyberdog, a panel is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberPanelExtension.

parameter key A string constant that identifies a parameter in a parameter set.

parameter set A heterogeneous collection of objects. A parameter set is passed as a parameter when a Cyberdog item is opened; in this case, the parameter set contains objects that may play a role in the opening process.

part extension See extension.

part icon A Finder icon that represents the content referenced by a Cyberdog item. The content is downloaded and saved on disk as an OpenDoc part. Compare download icon and reference icon.

part kind A specific classification of the format of data handled by a part editor. A kind specifies the specific data format handled by a part editor.

Preferences dialog box A dialog box with which the user can specify preferences for accessing a remote location using a particular service (Gopher or FTP preferences, for example). It is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberContainerExtension.

Preferences panel A dialog-box panel, embedded in the Preferences dialog box, that allows the user to specify preferences for a particular service. The panel is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberPrefsExtension. See also panel.

progress broadcaster An object that broadcasts the status information about an asynchronous process to its attached progress receivers. It is an object of CyberProgressBroadcaster or one of its subclasses.

progress mode A mode that indicates whether the amount of work to be performed by an asynchronous process is known in advance so that progress can be measured. For example, when downloading data, if you know in advance the number of bytes to be downloaded, the progress mode is metered; if you do not, the progress mode is unmetered.

progress part A part that displays status information about an asynchronous process to the user. A progress part has an associated progress receiver that receives progress information from a progress broadcaster. A progress part is an OpenDoc part with an extension subclassed from CyberProgressPartExtension.

progress receiver An object, associated with a progress part, that receives broadcasts of status information about an asynchronous process from a progress broadcaster. It is an object of a CyberProgressReceiver subclass.

protocol A format for transmitting information. For example, the World Wide Web transmits data using the HTTP protocol. See Cyberdog service.

reference icon A Finder icon that represents a reference to content stored at a remote location. Compare download icon and part icon.

resolving The process by which a Cyberdog item determines the type of data to which it refers. A Cyberdog item that can identify the type of data to which it refers is resolved.

Security Info window A window that displays security information for a Cyberdog item referencing a secure site.

service See Cyberdog service.

service menus See Cyberdog service menus.

session See Cyberdog session.

session document See Cyberdog session document.

SOM See System Object Model.

Starting Point See Cyberdog Starting Point.

storage unit In the OpenDoc storage system, an object that represents the basic unit of persistent storage. Each storage unit has a list of properties, and each property contains one or more data streams called values. A Cyberdog item is a persistent object that is stored in a storage unit.

stream See Cyberdog stream.

string property A string that describes some aspect of a Cyberdog item. A Cyberdog item's display name is an example of a string property.

synchronous process A process that runs in the same thread as the process that initiated it.The initiating process waits for a synchronous process to complete before continuing. Compare asynchronous process.

System Object Model (SOM) A technology from International Business Machines, Inc., that provides language- and platform-independent means of defining programmatic objects and handling method dispatching dynamically at runtime.

Telnet A terminal emulation protocol that allows users to log in remotely to other computers on the Internet using a command-line interface.

Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) A pointer to a function that can be called from either 68K or PowerPC code, regardless of which of the two types of code is used to implement the function.

Universal Resource Locator (URL) A textual address used to locate, retrieve, and display remotely located data. A URL follows a standard format that includes information such as the Internet address of the data and the kind of transport protocol it requires.

user string The user-readable name of a part editor.

visitation history The collection of Cyberdog items visited by a navigator during a Cyberdog session.

web See World Wide Web.

World Wide Web (WWW) A hypertext-based Internet service used for browsing Internet resources.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996