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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 6 - Types, Constants, and Global Functions / Types and Constants
Cyberdog Streams

Stream Status

The StreamStatus data type is a 16-bit value that contains flags describing the status of a Cyberdog stream. They are returned by the CyberStream::GetStreamStatus method.

Flag descriptions

The stream has been opened successfully and contains at least one buffer of nonzero length that you can retrieve by calling CyberStream::GetBuffer (page 382).
An error has occurred. You can call CyberStream::GetStatusString (page 384) to retrieve the error message.
The status string that describes the current status of the stream has changed. You can retrieve the current status string by calling CyberStream::GetStatusString (page 384). When an error occurs, the status string is changed, but the value of the kCDStatusStringChanged flag is not changed.
The stream's supply of buffers is low. You should call CyberStream::ReleaseBuffer (page 389) to release any buffers that you have retrieved from the stream.
The download operation is complete.
The abort operation initiated on the stream is complete.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996