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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 6 - Types, Constants, and Global Functions / Types and Constants
Part Kinds

Cyberdog Kinds

The following string constants represent part kinds of Cyberdog components.

An ISO string that represents the part kind of a collection of Cyberdog items.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of a Cyberdog item. The opener part editor binds to parts of kind kCyberItemKind.
An ISO string that represents parts that are extended with an object of a subclass of CyberPartExtension. A Cyberdog display part should include this part kind in its name-mapping resource ('nmap') so that Cyberdog can tell that the display part is a Cyberdog display part.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog Connect To dialog box.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog download part.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog log.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog log manager.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog navigator.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog notebook.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog notebook manager.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the opener part.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog Preferences dialog box.
An ISO string that represents the part kind of the Cyberdog Telnet part.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996