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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit / Part 3 - Cyberdog Reference
Chapter 6 - Types, Constants, and Global Functions / Programmer-Defined Functions


Handles addresses the user selects in the address browser.

void MyNotebookAddressHandler (CDAddressField whichField,
void* cyberItemsList, 
Ptr userDataPtr);
A constant that indicates the address field in which the specified addresses should be placed.
A pointer to a list of Cyberdog items to be used as mail addresses.
A pointer to data that may be useful when handling mail addresses.
The purpose of your notebook address function is to handle address selections specified by the user in the address browser. Mail developers call the CyberNotebookExtension::PromptForAddresses method to display the address browser; that method registers a notebook address function. Cyberdog calls the notebook address function each time the user selects one or more addresses and clicks a button in the address browser.

For example, if the user selects two addresses from the address list and clicks the "CC:" button, Cyberdog calls the notebook address function, passing it the two Cyberdog items that the user selected and a constant indicating that the addresses should be added to the "CC:" address field of the mail message.

The userDataPtr parameter contains a pointer to data that may be useful when handling mail addresses. For example, this parameter might point to a data structure that represents the mail message for which the addresses are intended.

The CDAddressField type (page 176).
The CyberNotebookExtension::PromptForAddresses method (page 267).

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996