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Creating a Cyberdog Service

Implementing Your Cyberdog Service Class

To create a Cyberdog service, you can define a subclass of CyberService and create an object from your subclass or you can create a SimpleCyberService object and use it directly. You define the characteristics of a simple Cyberdog service in the Cyberdog service resource ('srvc') for the service. You can use a SimpleCyberService object if you do not need to override methods defined by the CyberService class, such as methods related to Cyberdog service menus.

The Finger sample uses a SimpleCyberService object and its associated service resource to implement the Finger service. The following sections show how to set up the resource and how to respond to menu events for your service's items in the Cyberdog menu.

Defining Your Cyberdog Service Resource

The Cyberdog service resource ('srvc') allows you to specify a set of strings that describe your service, an icon suite for your service, and a set of strings that specify names for the Cyberdog menu items associated with your service. For more information, see the Types, Constants, and Global Functions chapter of the Cyberdog Programmer's Kit manual. Listing 1 shows the 'srvc' resource of the Finger service.

Listing 1 The 'srvc' resource of the Finger service

#include "Types.r"
#include "Cyberdog.h"
#include "CyberService.r"
#include "FingerDef.h"

resource 'srvc' (128, purgeable) 
   128,  // resource id of 'STR#' resource for this service
         //       (required for CyberService)
   128,  // resource id of icon family for this service  
         //       (required for SimpleCyberService)
   129   // "STR#' rsrc for menu item names of this service
         //       (0 if not supported)
         //       (required for SimpleCyberService)

resource 'STR#' (128, purgeable) 
   kFingerServiceClassName,   // [ 1] Service class name
   "Finger",                  // [ 2] Service name
   "finger",                  // [ 3] URL scheme      
   kFingerConnectPanelKind,   // [ 4] Connect part kind
   kFingerPrefsPanelKind,     // [ 5] Prefs part kind
   kFingerItemClassName,      // [ 6] Item class name

resource 'STR#' (129, purgeable) 
   "Finger Beep",
include "FingerServiceIcons.rsrc";
The following constants are defined in the resource:

#define kFingerConnectPanelKind
            "+//ISO 9070/ANSI::113722::US::
             CI LABS::Apple:Cyberdog:FingerSample:Kind:ConnectPanel"             
#define kFingerPrefsPanelKind
            "+//ISO 9070/ANSI::113722::US::
             CI LABS::Apple:Cyberdog:FingerSample:Kind:PrefsPanel"               

#define kFingerItemClassName"AppleCyberdog::FingerItem"
#define kFingerServiceClassName "AppleCyberdog::FingerService"

Responding to Selections of Menu Items

If your simple Cyberdog service places items in the Cyberdog menu, you must implement the DoMenuItemSelected method to handle the items when they are selected. The Finger service adds a single item to the Cyberdog menu, meaning its DoMenuItemSelected method handles item 0.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
1 JUNE 1996