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Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities /
Chapter 4 - QuickDraw GX Debugging / QuickDraw GX Debugging Reference
Constants and Data Types

Validation Levels

The GXSetValidation function uses the gxValidationLevel enumeration to turn off or to control the QuickDraw GX validation.

typedef long gxValidationLevel;
enum gxValidationLevels {
These levels tell how to validate routines.  Choose one. 
   gxNoValidation              = 0x00,
   gxPublicValidation          = 0x01,
   gxInternalValidation        = 0x02,
These levels tell how to validate types.  Choose one. 
   gxTypeValidation            = 0x00,
   gxStructureValidation       = 0x10,
   gxAllObjectValidation       = 0x20,
These levels tell how to validate memory manager blocks.  Choose 
any combination. 
   gxNoMemoryManagerValidation = 0x0000,
   gxApBlockValidation         = 0x0100,
   gxFontBlockValidation       = 0x0200
   gxApHeapValidation          = 0x0400,
   gxFontHeapValidation        = 0x0800,
   gxCheckApHeapValidation     = 0x1000,
   gxCheckFontHeapValidation   = 0x2000 
} ;
Field Description

If set, QuickDraw GX performs no validation checking.

If set, QuickDraw GX checks parameters to public routines.
If set, QuickDraw GX checks parameters to internal routines.
If set, QuickDraw GX checks types of objects.
If set, QuickDraw GX checks fields of private structures.
If set, QuickDraw GX checks every object for each public routine called.
If set, QuickDraw GX does not check Memory Management calls.
If set, QuickDraw GX checks the relevant block structures before each Memory Manager call.
If set, QuickDraw GX also checks the system heap block structures..
If set, QuickDraw GX also checks all application heap blocks every time the heap changes.
If set, QuickDraw GX also checks all system heap blocks every time the heap changes..
If set, QuickDraw GX also checks all application heap blocks for each public or internal routine called.
If set, QuickDraw GX also checks the system heap blocks for each public or internal routine called.
For information on how to use QuickDraw GX validation, see the section "Using Validation Functions" beginning on page 4-15. The GXSetValidation function is described on page 4-34.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996