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Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities /
Chapter 8 - QuickDraw GX Mathematics / QuickDraw GX Mathematics Reference
Mathematical Functions / Linear and Quadratic Roots


You can use the LinearRoot function to obtain the root of a linear equation.

long LinearRoot(Fixed first, Fixed last, fract t[]);
The first coefficient.
The last coefficient.
An array of fract numbers. On return, it contains the roots of the equation.
function result
The number of roots of the linear equation. This value may be 0 or 1
(or -1 if all values of t are roots).
The LinearRoot function computes any t between 0 and 1 in which a(1 - t) + bt = 0. The coefficient a is the parameter first. The coefficient b is the parameter last. The function returns the number of roots between 0 and 1.

Any root is returned in the t array, which only needs to hold one value. If both a and b are zero, the function returns the number -1, indicating that a(1 - t) + bt = 0 for all t.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996