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Inside Macintosh: Programmer's Guide to MacApp / Part 1 - MacApp Theory and Architecture
Chapter 7 - Document Handling

PowerTalk Mailers

The Standard Mail Package provides a sophisticated electronic-mail interface that includes a new region--known as a mailer--that can be added to any window. MacApp's PowerTalk support allows a user to add a mailer to any document. A document with an attached mailer is called a letter. Figure 7-5 shows a letter with an expanded mailer, while Figure 7-6 shows the same letter with its mailer in the contracted state.

In addition to adding or deleting a mailer, a user can send a document as electronic mail and open, reply to, or forward a letter. Each of these operations is specified by a command from a new menu, the Mail menu.

Figure 7-5 Document with expanded mailer

Figure 7-6 Document with contracted mailer

MacApp encapsulates much of its PowerTalk support in two mixin classes, MMailing and MMailable. The TMailingApplication class mixes in MMailing, and the TMailableDocument class mixes in MMailable. The next section supplies more information about these and other classes MacApp uses to support PowerTalk mailers.

The Standard Mail Package is a component of the PowerTalk system software, which adds extensions to the desktop services offered in System 7 and later versions of the Macintosh Operating System. The technology underlying the PowerTalk software is called the Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE). For detailed information about PowerTalk, the Standard Mail Package, and mailers, see Inside Macintosh: AOCE Application Interfaces.

MacApp's PowerTalk Mailer Support Classes

MacApp implements its mailer support through the following classes. Many of the classes listed here have fields that refer to instances of other listed classes. The sections that follow describe how these classes work together.

TMailingApplication, MMailing
The TMailingApplication class is a subclass of TApplication that mixes in the MMailing class and defers to it for most of the mailing operations it performs. Together, these classes handle the Open Next Letter command from the Mail menu, authenticate the mail user, and give the Standard Mail Package a chance to handle Toolbox events when there is no mailer view in the target chain.
TMailableDocument, MMailable
is subclass of TFileBasedDocument that mixes in the MMailable class and defers to it for most of the operations it performs. The MMailable class has a reference to its letter and defers to it for some operations. Working together, the TMailableDocument, MMailable, and TLetter classes support adding content to a mailer, reading content from a mailer, and setting up and responding to choices from the Mail menu. They also provide certain scripting support for mailers.
The TLetter class represents a letter that encloses a document to turn it into electronic mail. It contains methods to handle most Mail menu commands, as well as to insert data into a mailer and read data from a mailer. It calls on its document to perform some operations and leaves other operations to be implemented by subclasses. The TLetter class has a reference to its mailable document.
This subclass of TLetter implements methods for reading, writing, and saving mail content for a file-based document. The TFileBasedLetter class has a reference to a file-based document.
The TMailerView class provides a view to display a standard mailer for a document. It expands and contracts the mailer and handles mouse and key events for the mailer. It does much of its work by calling on the Standard Mail Package. The TMailerView class has a reference to its letter.
The TMailer class represents the PowerTalk mailer attached to a document. It mixes in the MScriptableObject class and works with it to provide scripting capabilities, such as getting and setting object properties and accessing contained objects. It can set properties such as the mailer's name and content. A letter may have multiple mailers, such as when being forwarded. The TMailer class has a reference to its document, letter, and window.
The TLetterTabber class lets a user tab between the mailer view and the main content view of a document with an attached mailer.
CDSSpec, CCatalogs
and CCatalogs are convenience classes for working with AOCE catalog services. The CDSSpec class represents an AOCE DSSpec structure and can get and set DSSpec information. The CCatalogs class represents the top level of the catalog system. It can enumerate the available top level catalogs, such as the AppleTalk and PowerShare catalogs, but not the contents of a catalog.
You can read more about the classes described here in the MacApp Class and Method Reference.

Including MacApp's PowerTalk Support in Your Application

To take advantage of MacApp's PowerTalk support, your application

Chapter 29, "Working With PowerTalk Mailers," provides a detailed road map for adding PowerTalk support to your application.

Not all applications need electronic mail, so MacApp's PowerTalk support is conditionally compiled--the mailer code isn't included unless you specifically ask for it. For example, if you build your application with MPW and the MABuild tool, you include MacApp's PowerTalk support with a build line similar to the following:

MABuild YourAppName [-options] -PowerTalk
The MABuild tool is described in Appendix A. If you need to build both a version of your application with PowerTalk support and a version without it, you can use the same flags MacApp does to conditionally compile PowerTalk-specific code:

#if qPowerTalk
// Your code here.
#endif // qPowerTalk
Code between the #if and #endif compiler directives will not be part of your application unless qPowerTalk is defined as TRUE when the code is compiled. When you build with the -PowerTalk option, qPowerTalk is automatically set to TRUE. You can specify -noPowerTalk to build the application without PowerTalk support.

If your application uses MacApp's mailer support, it must call InitUMailer from its main routine, using code similar to the following:

#if qPowerTalk
   if (HasAOCEToolBox)
Even if your application is built to include MacApp's PowerTalk support, the application may be running on a machine that does not have access to the AOCE software that PowerTalk support requires. MacApp's HasAOCEToolBox routine determines whether the necessary system software is available:

  1. If the application is built to include MacApp's PowerTalk support, HasAOCEToolBox calls the Toolbox Gestalt routine to check for the presence of the AOCE software. If it is present, HasAOCEToolBox sets its return value to TRUE; otherwise, it sets it to FALSE.
  2. For a Power Macintosh application, HasAOCEToolBox determines whether the Standard Mail Package shared library is present; if it is not present, HasAOCEToolBox sets its return value to FALSE.
  3. It returns the specified value.

You should be careful to isolate any code that deals with mailers, using conditional compilation (#if qPowerTalk) or conditional testing (if (HasAOCEToolBox)). Otherwise, your application may try to call MacApp code or reference a MacApp variable that was not included in the current build, with unpleasant results.

The Mail Menu

MacApp's Defaults.r file defines a 'CMNU' resource for the Mail menu used with PowerTalk mailers. For information on adding this menu to your application, see "Include the Mail Menu in Your Application," beginning on page 625.

The Mail menu contains these commands:

Figure 7-7 The Send dialog box from the DemoText sample application

Mail Formats

When you use a mailer to send a document as a letter, you can send the document in a native format (that is, any of the internal document formats supported by your application), in snapshot format (an image or "snapshot" of the document), in a special format called standard interchange format, or in any combination of these formats simultaneously. Standard interchange format is a set of data formats that consists of plain text, styled text, sound (AIFF), images ('PICT'), and QuickTime movies ('MooV').

The DemoText sample application provides an example of how to send letters containing both native and standard interchange format (see "Override Methods to Get and Set Mailer Data," beginning on page 630). For an example of an image-drawing routine, see the "Standard Mail Package" chapter of Inside Macintosh: AOCE Application Interfaces.

Supplying Mail Content

If your application supports PowerTalk mailers, you must supply code to add content to the mailer. When a user sends or receives a letter in your application, MacApp calls methods of various classes to insert data into a letter or extract data from a letter. Depending on which letter formats you support, you may need to override certain of the following methods:

You can read more about these methods in the MacApp Class and Method Reference. MacApp's DemoText sample application provides examples of how to override many of the methods described in this section.

Displaying a Mailer View

When you add a mailer to a document, MacApp attempts to position a mailer view automatically. It calls the document's MakeRoomForMailer method to make room for the new mailer view. The MakeRoomForMailer method is defined in the TLetter and MMailable classes (MMailable is mixed in with TMailableDocument). In TLetter, it calls the MakeRoomForMailer method of its document. In MMailable, MakeRoomForMailer adjusts the document's window based on the assumption that the main content view is a scroller with ID 'SCLR'. If your view hierarchy cannot conveniently be made to match this format, you must override MakeRoomForMailer to adjust your views.

A mailer view delegates targeting responsibility to the Standard Mail Package in its DoMailerEvent method. (MacApp's target chain is described in detail in Chapter 5, "Events and Commands.")

File Types for Letters

MacApp defines a default file type for the letters your application creates:

const DescType typeLetterDesc = 'lttr';
const DescType kStandardLetterFileType = typeLetterDesc;
The MMailing class has a field, fMainLetterFileType, that stores the principal file type your application uses for letters. The field is set to kStandardLetterType in the constructor for TMailingApplication. This is the type recognized by applications that handle mail in a standard way. For example, AppleMail also uses the 'lttr' file type, but combines it with the 'lap2' creator type. You can specify a different file type for your application's letters by passing the type to the IMailingApplication method.

By default, a letter file has the same Finder icon as the document it is added to, because MacApp does not supply special icons or bundle information for the letter file type. You can specify new icons for your letters by adding icon and bundle information to your application's resource definition file. For example, you might wish to create a joint icon that combines the AppleMail icon and your application's icon. See the "Finder Interface" chapter of Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials for more information about application icons and bundle information.

Digital Signatures

When a user changes a document with an attached mailer, the Changed method of the TMailableDocument class calls the LetterContentChanged method, which in turn calls the LetterContentChanged method of the document's letter. In the TLetter class, LetterContentChanged calls the Standard Mail Package routine SMPContentChanged, which notifies the Digital Signature Manager that the content of the letter has changed (which will invalidate the signature).

So while MacApp makes no direct calls to the Digital Signature Manager, it does call the SMPContentChanged routine at the appropriate time. If you implement a subclass of TMailableDocument that overrides the Changed method, your version should either call Inherited, or call LetterContentChanged directly, to make sure the signature is invalidated if necessary.

The implementation of more sophisticated digital signature support is left as an exercise for developers who need it.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
25 JUL 1996