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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 21 - Providers Reference / Functions
Controlling a Provider's Modes of Operation /


Sets a provider to synchronous mode.

OSStatus OTSetSynchronous(ProviderRef ref);
OSStatus TProvider::SetSynchronous();
The provider reference of the provider which you want to set to synchronous mode.
function result
An error code. See Appendix B for more information.
The OTSetSynchronous function causes all provider functions to run synchronously when using the provider that you specify. Changing this does not affect its notifier function, if any is installed for this provider; the notifier function remains installed.

You can call this function at any time and it will always succeed; however, you should take care changing this while outstanding asynchronous calls are in progress. See "Specifying How Provider Functions Execute" for more information.

To place a provider in asynchronous mode, call the OTSetAsynchronous function. To find out a provider's mode of execution, call the OTIsSynchronous function.

"Specifying How Provider Functions Execute".

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998