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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Open Transport

This chapter provides an overview of the 1.3 release of the Open Transport, a communications architecture for implementing network protocols and other communications systems. This book discusses only the implementation of Open Transport on the Mac OS--that is, the set of programming interfaces for applications and other software running on Mac OS computers.

This chapter introduces some of the terminology that is used throughout the rest of this book. Read this chapter to gain an overview of the Open Transport architecture and the way it's used to implement networking protocols. You should also read this chapter for suggestions on which networking protocols to use for various application requirements.

This chapter begins with a brief description of Open Transport and the advantages it provides over earlier Macintosh networking architectures. Next, "Basic Networking Concepts" defines a variety of terms used in Open Transport and in networking in general. The section "About Networking With Open Transport" describes the Open Transport architecture and some concepts important to Open Transport: providers, transport independence, and endpoints. Finally, the section "Deciding Which Protocol to Use" gives you guidelines to help you decide which protocol or protocol family to use for a given purpose.

The chapters that make up the rest of this book describe how to use the Open Transport programming interface and the Open Transport implementations of AppleTalk and TCP/IP.

Chapter Contents
Introduction to Open Transport
Basic Networking Concepts
Types of Protocols
Protocol Stacks and the OSI Model
About Networking With Open Transport
Open Transport Architecture
Open Transport API
Software Modules
Drivers and Hardware
Open Transport and Interrupt-Time Processing
Providers: Endpoints, Mappers, and Services
Transport Independence
Endpoints and Protocol Layering
Deciding Which Protocol to Use
General Purpose or Special Purpose
Choice of Protocol Family
High-Level or Low-Level Protocol
Connection-Oriented or Connectionless
Transaction-Based or Transactionless

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998