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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 21 - Providers Reference / Functions
Using Notifier Functions /


Limits the notifications that can be sent to your notifier. (This function can only be called for Open Transport version 1.1.1 or later.)

Boolean OTEnterNotifier (ProviderRef ref);
Boolean TProvider::EnterNotifier();
A provider reference for the provider that must not be interrupted by asynchronous and completion events.
function result
The function returns false if you have already called OTEnterNotifier on this provider or if you make the call from within your notification routine.
This function prevents Open Transport from sending the specified provider an asynchronous or completion event. After making this call, notification is subject to the same rules as if you were already executing within your notification routine. This allows you to determine whether or not you should call the OTLeaveNotifier function.

You can use calls to OTEnterNotifier and OTLeaveNotifier to bracket critical sections of your code and to minimize or eliminate synchronization problems.

To have Open Transport resume sending primary and completion events, you need to call the OTLeaveNotifier function.

"Using Asynchronous Processing With a Notifier".

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998