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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 22 - Endpoints Reference / Constants and Data Types

Open Transport Flags

Open Transport uses the OTFlags enumeration to specify additional information about data that is being transmitted with the OTSnd or OTRcv functions. The constant names that Open Transport can set or return for this parameter are given by the Open Transport flags enumeration.

typedef UInt32 OTFlags;
enum {
   T_MORE         = 0x001,
   T_EXPEDITED    = 0x002,
   T_ACKNOWLEDGED = 0x004,
   T_PARTIALDATA  = 0x008,
   T_NORECEIPT    = 0x010/,
   T_TIMEDOUT     = 0x020
Constant descriptions

There is more data for the current TSDU or ETSDU. The next send or receive operation will handle additional data for this TSDU or ETSDU.
On sends, the data is sent as expedited data if the endpoint supports expedited data. On receives, the flag indicates that expedited data was sent.
The transaction must be acknowledged before the send or receive function can complete.
There is more data for the current TSDU or ETSDU. Unlike T_MORE, T_PARTIALDATA does not guarantee that the next send or receive operation will handle additional data for this TSDU or ETSDU.
There is no need to send a T_REPLY_COMPLETE event to complete the transaction. If you don't need to know when the transaction is actually done, you can set this flag to improve performance.
The reply timed out. If a protocol such as ATP loses the acknowledgment for a transaction that needs to be acknowledged, the transaction will eventually time out. Since the reply didn't really fail (it just timed out), Open Transport can send a T_REPLY_COMPLETE event to complete the transaction and set this flag to explain what happened.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998