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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 22 - Endpoints Reference / Constants and Data Types

The TReply Structure

You use the TReply structure to specify the data being sent with the OTSndReply function and the data being read with the OTRcvReply function. You pass this structure as a parameter to each of these functions. When sending data you must initialize the buf and len fields of all the TNetbufs. When receiving data, you must initialize the buf and maxlen fields of all the TNetbufs.

The TReply structure is defined by the TReply data type.

struct TReply
   TNetbuf  data;
   TNetbuf  opt;
   OTSequence sequence;
typedef struct TReply TReply;
Field Description
A TNetbuf structure specifying the location and size of the reply buffer.
A TNetbuf structure describing the location and size of the options buffer.
A long that specifies the transaction ID of the current transaction.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998