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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials
Chapter 2 - Getting Started With Open Transport

Open Transport Libraries

The libraries that you need to link with vary depending on whether you are writing PowerPC code or 68000 code and on a variety of additional factors, specified in the tables that follow. Table 2-1 lists the libraries you need to link with if you are writing PowerPC code.

Table 2-1 Open Transport libraries for PowerPC code
If you need...Link with...
to build an applicationOpenTransportLib


AppleTalk servicesOpenTptAppleTalkLib


Internet servicesOpenTptInternetLib


to use ports or Open Transport Utility functions only  OpenTransportUtilLib
(instead of OpenTransportLib)

(instead of OpenTransportAppPPC.o)

to build a CFM fragment or ASLM shared libraryOpenTransportExtnPPC.o
(instead of OpenTransportAppPPC.o)

(instead of OpenTptUtilsAppPPC.o)

If your code is meant to run on machines with and without Open Transport, you should make sure to weak-link with the libraries ending in Lib. Otherwise, the system cannot launch your application when Open Transport is not installed. For more information on weak linking, see Inside Macintosh: PowerPC System Software.
Table 2-2 lists the libraries you need to link with if you are writing 68000 code. Link with the libraries in square brackets if you are building MPW model-near clients.

Table 2-2 Open Transport libraries for 68000 code
If you need...Link with...
to build an applicationOpenTransport.o [OpenTransport.n.o]

OpenTransportApp.o [OpenTransportApp.n.o]

AppleTalk services


OpenTptATalk.o [OpenTptATalk.n.o]
Internet services


OpenTptInet.o [OpenTptInet.n.o]
to use ports or Open Transport utility functions onlyOpenTptUtils.o
(instead of OpenTransport.o)

(instead of OpenTransport.n.o)

to build a stand-alone code resource or ASLM shared libraryOpenTransportExtn.o
(instead of OpenTransportApp.o)

instead of OpenTransportApp.n.o.)

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998