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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 24 - Mappers Reference / Constants and Data Types

The TRegisterReply Structure

You use the TRegisterReply structure to store information returned by the OTRegisterName function.

The TRegisterReply structure is defined by the TRegisterReply data type.

struct TRegisterReply
   TNetbuf  addr;
   OTNameID nameid;
typedef struct TRegisterReply TRegisterReply;
Field descriptions

A TNetbuf structure that specifies the location and size of a buffer containing the actual address of the entity whose name you have just registered. This information is passed back to you when the OTRegisterName function returns. You must allocate a buffer, set the addr.buf field to point to it, and set the addr.maxlen field to the size of the buffer.
A unique identifier passed to you when the OTRegisterName function returns. You can use this identifier when you call the OTDeleteNameByID function to delete the name.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998