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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials

Chapter 3 - Providers

This chapter describes providers, software entities that offer data-oriented services, and introduces the main types of providers. It also discusses the use of general provider functions, which you can use with any provider regardless of its type. You use these functions to

Later chapters in this book describe each type of provider in detail. This chapter describes the function you use to close a provider because you use the same function for all types of providers.

Before you read this chapter, you should read the chapter "Introduction to Open Transport". After reading this chapter, you can read the chapter describing the provider whose services you are interested in. To use the functions described in this chapter, you must first use the InitOpenTransport function to initialize Open Transport. This function is described in the chapter "Getting Started With Open Transport".

For reference information about the functions and data structures introduced in this chapter, see "Providers Reference".

Chapter Contents
About Providers
Provider Functions
Interrupt-Time Processing
Modes of Operation
Provider Events
Function Results
Using Providers
Controlling a Provider's Modes of Operation
Which Mode To Use
Specifying How Provider Functions Execute
Setting a Provider's Blocking Status
Setting a Provider's Send-Acknowledgment Status
Using Notifier Functions to Handle Provider Events
Transferring a Provider's Ownership
Closing a Provider

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998