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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 24 - Mappers Reference / Constants and Data Types

The TLookupReply Structure

You use the TLookupReply structure to store information passed back to you by the OTLookupName function. The information includes both a pointer to a buffer (containing registered entity names matching the criterion specified with the TLookupRequest structure) and the number of names found.

The TLookupReply structure is defined by the TLookupReply data type.

struct TLookupReply
   TNetbuf  names;
   UInt32   rspcount;
typedef struct TLookupReply TLookupReply;
Field descriptions

A TNetbuf structure that specifies the size and location of a buffer into which the OTLookupName function, on return, places the names it has found. You must allocate the buffer into which the replies are stored when the function returns; you must set the names.buf field to point to it; and you must set the names.maxlen field to the size of the buffer.
A long specifying, on return, the number of names found.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998