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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials

Chapter 4 - Endpoints

This chapter explains how your application can use endpoints to communicate with endpoint providers, the layered set of protocol modules that provide data transfer services. The chapter describes

To understand this chapter, you must first read the chapters "Introduction to Open Transport" and "Providers", which introduce many of the concepts discussed and further elaborated in this chapter.

This chapter offers minimal information about options, values you can specify to control the behavior of providers; these values are set and sometimes retrieved by clients. For information about options, you must read the chapter "Option Management".

After you are familiar with the concepts described in this chapter, you can get additional information about transferring data and improving performance in "Programming With Open Transport" and in "Advanced Topics".

Chapter Contents
About Endpoints
Endpoint Types and Type of Service
Naming Conventions for Endpoint Functions
Endpoint Options
Modes of Operation
Endpoint States
Transport Service Data Units
Using Endpoints
Opening and Binding Endpoints
Obtaining Information About E ndpoints
Handling Events for Endpoints
Clearing Events and Synchronization Problems
Notifier Reentrancy
Polling for Events
Establishing and Terminating Connections
Establishing a Connection
Sending User Data With Connection or Disconnection Requests
Processing Multiple Connection Requests
Terminating a Connection
Using an Abortive Disconnect
Using Orderly Disconnects
Sending and Receiving Data
Sending Data Using Multiple Sends
Receiving Data
Transferring Data Between Transactionless Endpoints
Using Connectionless Transactionless Service
Using Connection-Oriented Transactionless Service
Transferring Data Between Transaction-Based Endpoints
Using Connectionless Transaction-Based Service
Using Connection-Oriented Transaction-Based Service

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998