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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 1 - Open Transport Essentials

Chapter 6 - Mappers

This chapter describes mappers, a type of Open Transport provider that lets your application map entity names to protocol addresses. You can use mapper functions to register a name, to look up a name or name pattern, or to remove
a registered name. Which functions are supported depends on the name-
registration protocol underlying the mapper provider you create. For more detailed information about how mapper functions are implemented for
the protocol you are interested in, consult the documentation provided for
that protocol.

You do not have to open a mapper provider if you are interested only in registering a name or looking up an address corresponding to a name.

If you are using an endpoint that cannot be bound by name, if you want to look up a name pattern, if you want to register a name that is not associated with an endpoint, or if you want to use other mapper functions, you need to read this chapter and learn how to create a mapper provider.

This chapter begins with a general description of mapper providers and continues with a more detailed discussion of how you use mappers asynchronously and how you use the mapper to look up names. The functions used to register names and delete names are discussed in "Mappers Reference".

Mapper providers, like all Open Transport providers, can operate synchronously or asynchronously and can block. For general information about Open Transport providers, see the chapter "Providers".

Chapter Contents
About Mappers
Using Mappers
Setting Modes of Operation for Mappers
Specifying Name and Address Information
Searching for Names
Retrieving Entries in Asynchronous Mode
Code Sample: Using OTLookupName

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998