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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 27 - Utilities Reference / Functions
Atomic Operations /


Clears a bit in a byte.

Boolean OTAtomicClearBit(
                     UInt8* bytePtr,
                     size_t bitToClear)
None. C++ applications use the C interface to this function.

A pointer to the byte containing the bit to clear.
A value ranging from 0 to 7 that specifies the bit to clear.
function result
Returns the previous state of the bit: true if the bit was set; false, otherwise.
This function atomically clears the bit specified by the bitToClear parameter, in the byte referenced by the bytePtr parameter. This function returns the previous state of the bit.

No error checking is done on the bitToClear value you specify, and results are undefined if the value lies outside the range 0 through 7.

Use the OTAtomicSetBit function to set a bit value.

Use the OTAtomicTestBit function to test a bit value.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998