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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 27 - Utilities Reference / Application-Defined Functions


Search through a list for a link that matches certain criteria.

Boolean (MyListSearchFunction)
                     (const void* ref,
                     OTLink* linkToCheck);
A value passed to your function by the OTFindLink or OTFindAndRemoveLink functions. This is the value that your function must match against each link in the list until it finds a matching link. It is the same as the refPtr parameter passed to OTFindLink and OTFindAndRemoveLink.
A pointer to the current link being evaluated.
function result
The function should return true if the list element defined by linkToCheck matches the information specified by the refPtr parameter.
When the OTFindLink function or the OTFindAndRemoveLink function execute, they call this user-defined function.

For 680x0 code, this routine uses MPW C calling conventions. You should check your development environment documention for information about defining a function with MPW C calling conventions. This is not an issue for PowerPC code.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998