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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 28 - Advanced Topics Reference / Constants and Data Types

Buffer Information Structure

The buffer information structure is provided for your convenience in keeping track of where you last left off in an OTBuffer structure. Because the no-copy receive buffer structure (OTBuffer) is read-only, you may need to copy the data in sections as you progress through the no-copy receive buffer. The utility function OTReadBuffer is used with this structure to easily copy the data out of an OTBuffer structure.

The buffer information structure is defined by the OTBufferInfo data type.

struct OTBufferInfo
   size_t   fOffset;
   UInt8    fPad;

typedef struct OTBufferInfo OTBufferInfo;
Field Description
A pointer to the no-copy receive buffer.
An offset indicating how far into the buffer you have read.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998