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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 29 - TCP/IP Services Reference / Constants and Data Types

Internet Interface Information Structure

The OTInetGetInterfaceInfo function returns information about an interface on the local host in an internet interface information structure. The internet interface information structure is defined by the InetInterfaceInfo data type.

struct InetInterfaceInfo {
   InetHost       fAddress;         
   InetHost       fNetmask;         
   InetHost       fBroadcastAddr;
   InetHost       fDefaultGatewayAddr; 
   InetHost       fDNSAddr       
   UInt16         fVersion;      
   UInt16         fHWAddrLen  
   UInt8*         fHWAddr;       
   UInt32         fIfMTU            
   UInt8*         fReservedPtrs[2]; 
   InetDomainName fDomainName;      
   UInt32         fIPSecondaryCount;
   UInt8          fReserved[256];   
typedef struct InetInterfaceInfo InetInterfaceInfo;
Field Description
The IP address of the interface.
The subnet mask of the local IP network.
The broadcast address for the interface.
The IP address of the default router. The default is a router that can forward any packet destined outside the locally connected subnet.
The address of a domain name server. This value can be returned by a server or typed in by the user during configuration of the TCP/IP interface.
The address of a domain name server. This value can be returned by a server or typed in by the user during configuration of the TCP/IP interface. If multiple DNS servers are available, only the first is returned.
The version of the OTInetGetInterfaceInfo function; currently equal to kInetInterfaceInfoVersion.
The length (in bytes) of the hardware address. This points into the fReserved field of this structure. It can be nil if the interface has no hardware address or if it won't fit.
A pointer to the hardware address.
The maximum transmission unit size in bytes permitted for this interface's hardware.
The default domain name of the host as configured in the TCP/IP control panel. This name doesn't include the host name.
The number of IP secondary address available.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998