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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 29 - TCP/IP Services Reference / Functions
Resolving Internet Addresses /


Resolves a domain name to its equivalent internet addresses.

OSStatus OTInetStringToAddress (InetSvcRef ref,
                                         char *name,
                                         InetHostInfo *hi
OSStatus TInternetServices::StringToAddress (char *name,
                                         InetHostInfo *hinfo);
The internet services reference you obtained when you opened the TCP/IP service provider.
A pointer to the domain name you want to resolve. This can be a host name, a partially qualified domain name, a fully qualified domain name, or an internet address in dotted-decimal format. The name should be a null-terminated string.
A pointer to an InetHostInfo structure that you provide. When the function completes, it places the canonical name and up to ten associated IP addresses in this structure. If the function finds less than ten IP addresses, it fills in the rest of the address array with zeros.
function result
A result code. See Appendix B for more information.
A single host can be associated with multiple internet addresses. You can use the OTInetStringToAddress function to return multiple addresses for multihomed hosts.

If you specify an internet address in dotted-decimal format for the name parameter, the OTInetStringToAddress function places that address in the InetHostInfo.name field instead of a canonical name.

If you call the OTInetStringToAddress function asynchronously, the TCP/IP service provider calls your notifier function with the T_DNRSTRINGTOADDRCOMPLETE completion event code when the function completes. The cookie parameter to the notifier function contains the pointer you specified in the hinfo parameter. If you had more than one simultaneous outstanding call to the OTInetStringToAddress function, you can use this information to determine which call has completed execution.

The OTLookupName function provides a mapper interface to the domain name resolver (DNR) that maps a name to a single internet address.

You can use the DNSAddress structure to provide a domain name directly to the OTConnect, OTSndUData, and OTResolveAddress functions. The OTConnect, OTSndUData, and OTResolveAddress functions are described in the chapter "Endpoints". SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS

If you call the OTInetStringToAddress function asynchronously, do not modify the InetHostInfo structure until the function completes.

The OTInetAddressToName function.

The OTInetHostToString function.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998