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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 30 - AppleTalk Reference / AppleTalk Addressing Reference
Constants and Data Types

The NBP Entity Structure

You use an NBP entity to more conveniently manipulate NBP names because it allows you to extract and set the NBP name's three parts (name, type, and zone) separately. Its use is optional under Open Transport, but it provides an easier way to port programs written for classic AppleTalk. There are many AppleTalk utility functions that transfer data between NBP entity structures and NBP names.

The NBP entity structure is defined by the NBPEntity data type.

struct NBPEntity
   UInt8       fEntity[kNBPMaxEntityLength];
typdef struct NBPEntity NBPEntity;
An array of chars that specifies the NBP entity you wish to use to hold the NBP name.
The NBP entity holds an NBP name as three packed Pascal strings, three closely packed Pascal strings. The constant kNBPMaxEntityLength specifies the maximum size of the buffer, currently defined to be 99 bytes. This permits an NBP name whose name, type, and zone contain the maximum 32 characters each plus a length byte. The NBP entity itself does not contain quoted escape characters, but the NBP entity extraction functions add them as necessary when converting NBP name strings from NBP entities.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998