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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 30 - AppleTalk Reference / AppleTalk Service Provider Reference
Constants and Data Types

The AppleTalk Information Structure

You use the AppleTalk information structure to obtain information about the current AppleTalk environment for the node on which your application is running. The AppleTalk information structure is defined by the AppleTalkInfo data type.

struct AppleTalkInfo {
   DDPAddress  fOurAddress;
   DDPAddress  fRouterAddress;
   UInt16      fCableRange[2];
   UInt16      fFlags;
Field Description
The network number and node ID of your node.
The network number and node ID of the closest router on your network.
A two-element array indicating the first and last network numbers for the current extended network to which the machine is connected. For nonextended networks, this returns the name of the zone.
A set of flag bits that describe the network:

 Flag ValueDescription
kATalkInfoIsExtended0x0001The current network is an extended network.
kATalkInfoHasRouter0x0002There is a router on the same network as this machine.
kATalkInfoOneZone0x0004This network has only one zone.

Use the OTATalkGetInfo function to obtain the AppleTalkInfo data.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998