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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference
Chapter 30 - AppleTalk Reference / AppleTalk Service Provider Reference
AppleTalk Service Functions / Obtaining Information About Your AppleTalk Environment


Obtains information about the AppleTalk environment for a given node.

OSStatus OTATalkGetInfo(ATSvcRef ref, 
                     TNetbuf* info);
TAppleTalkServices::GetInfo(TNetbuf* info);

The reference value of your AppleTalk service provider.
A pointer to a TNetbuf structure that, on return, contains information about your current AppleTalk environment. You should allocate the buffer referenced by this structure using the AppleTalkInfo type, and you should set the buffer size using sizeof(AppleTalkInfo).
function result
A result code. See Appendix B for more information.
The OTATalkGetInfo function returns the information contained in the AppleTalkInfo data structure that describes your current AppleTalk environment. This includes your network number and node ID, the network number and node ID of a local router, and the current network range for the extended network to which the machine is connected.

If you execute this function asynchronously, Open Transport calls your notifier with a T_GETATALKINFOCOMPLETE completion event to signal the function's completion and uses your notifier's cookie parameter for the AppleTalk information. The cookie parameter actually holds a pointer to the info parameter, which points in turn to a buffer containing the AppleTalkInfo structure. The maximum size of this buffer is the size of the AppleTalk information structure.

If the machine is multihomed--that is, if multiple network numbers and node numbers are associated with the same machine--the OTATalkGetInfo function returns information about the node whose network number and node ID are selected in the AppleTalk control panel.

The AppleTalkInfo data structure is described in the section "Constants and Data Types".

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998