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Inside Macintosh: Networking With Open Transport / Part 2 - Open Transport Reference

Appendix A - Open Transport and XTI

This appendix describes the correspondence between the XTI and Open Transport client programming interfaces. Open Transport is a superset of XTI and therefore includes functions that are not defined in XTI. The XTI interface is not the preferred interface to use in Open Transport applications; however, if you are porting an existing XTI application, the XTI interface provides the simplest migration path.

This appendix describes

The Open Transport interface currently defines functions and data structures for four different kinds of providers. This appendix focuses on how general provider functions and endpoint functions correspond to XTI functions. Because mapper provider functions and service provider functions are an extension to XTI, they are not included in this appendix.

You should read this appendix if you need a simple summary of the differences between the XTI and Open Transport interfaces or if you plan to convert an application using an XTI interface to the preferred C interface.

Appendix A Contents
Open Transport Programming Interfaces
Function Names
Extensions to XTI
Data Structures
Result Codes

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
15 JAN 1998